{"version":3,"file":"patch-fddbef45.js","sources":["../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-100576.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-101048.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-1212638.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-1223327.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-14681.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-14681-server-side.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-15965.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-20249.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-51148.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-51148-server-side.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-61130.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-71113.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-82218.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-91370.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch-92628.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/season-five-705861.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/season-four-60878.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/season-one.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/season-one-server-side-patch.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/season-three-24916.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/season-two.tsx","../../../app/frontend/lib/explorer/src/data/patches/patch.tsx"],"sourcesContent":["import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch100576: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-100576\",\n buildId: 100576,\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-season-seven-update-10-0-576/\",\n name: \"Patch 10.0.576\",\n season: 7,\n type: \"update\",\n summary: \"Introductiong Cross-Play, Quick Match Nomad and FFA. Buffs to Rams, French Keeps, Byzantine Mercenaries and HRE.\",\n introduction: `\n \n\"Spring is here at last! We’re kicking off the Season Seven update preview with Cross-Play so you will be able join your console and PC friends and adversaries on the battlefield, including in Team Ranked! Of course, we’re also rotating the map pool and delivering new events, fixes, and balance updates to keep life interesting!\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2024-03-19T18:00:00Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Season Seven Update\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"New! Spring Tournaments Event\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n Spring is here at last and what better time for a seasonal event? Prepare to login May 21 at 10:00 AM PT (1:00 PM ET / 17:00 UTC) through June 18 at 10:00 AM PT (1:00 PM ET / 17:00 UTC) for the Spring Tournaments rewards.\n\n\n`,\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ranked Season Seven\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `To arms! Ranked play kicks off for Season Seven on March 20 at 12:00 pm PT (3:00 pm PT / 20:00 UTC)! Age up through the ranks and earn rewards!\n\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Map Pool Rotation\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n Season Seven brings another refresh on both map pools. This rotation gives some maps a much-needed break while we reintroduce maps that are excited to meet the new civilizations. High View, Lipany, and Danube River return to Solo Ranked while Prairie and Lipany return to Team Ranked.\n\n See you on the ladder!\n\n # 1v1 Ranked Map Pool \n - Dry Arabia\n - Cliffside\n - Rocky River\n - Forts\n - Gorge\n - High View\n - Danube River\n - Lipany\n - Four Lakes \n \n # Team Ranked Map Pool\n - Dry Arabia \n - Cliffside \n - Rocky River \n - Prairie \n - Gorge \n - Hill and Dale \n - Lipany \n - Migration \n - Waterholes \n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"Build Spotlight\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: ` \n## Cross-Play is Now Available on PC and Console\n\nYou can join your console and PC friends and adversaries on the battlefield with cross-play!\n\n## Team Ranked is Now Available on Console\n\nYou can now jump into Team Ranked mode on console! \n\n## Condensed Victory Objectives\n\nWe’ve created an alternate version of win conditions that take up as little screen space as possible, these are enabled by default and can be changed back in the game UI options.\n\n\n\n## Quick Match Updates\n\n- The Nomad Game Mode was added as a new option and comes with several improvements. \n- A new Free for All option has been added, allowing you to queue for 8 Player free for all matches. \n - Quick match Free for All matches are played using the new “Dominion” win condition. \n\n### A Note on Leaderboards and Hidden Elo\n\nFree For All will have a new leaderboard and track your hidden Elo separately, this means that matchmaking will result in more balanced games over time. In FFA mode, the winner is the only player to gain Elo and all other players lose Elo based on an even split equal to the amount of Elo that the winner gains.\n\nAdditionally, Nomad mode will share a leaderboard with Standard Mode. This means that when you queue for Nomad for the first time, you’ll be more likely to be matched with players close to your skill level.\n\n## Nomad Improvements\n\n- Starting Villagers increased from 3 to 5.\n- Villagers’ starting distance increased.\n- Holy Roman Empire Prelate, Zhu Xi’s Legacy Official, and Mongols Ger are granted upon Town Center construction and not at the start of the match.\n- English Villager bows and Chinese Villager build speed bonus are deactivated at the start of the game, reactivated upon Town Center construction.\n- Jeanne d’Arc Civilization starts with 3 Villagers plus Jeanne d’Arc.\n- Order of the Dragon Civilization starts with 4 Villagers.\n\n## New “Dominion” Win Condition\n\n- Enabled/disabled in custom games via the Game Mode Win Conditions section (disabled by default).\n- Compatible with Standard, Empire Wars, and Nomad Game Modes as well as all other win condition types.\n- Players start with a Monarch that must be protected at all costs, losing a Monarch leads to the instant elimination of the owning player.\n - Eliminating an enemy Monarch grants +50 maximum population.\n - If a player is eliminated by Landmark victory, their Monarch remains on the field. Eliminating a neutral Monarch continues to grant +50 maximum population.\n- Monarchs have two primary abilities:\n - Sprint: Temporarily move faster.\n - Treason: Reveal the location of enemy Monarchs and ping them on the minimap.\n- Monarchs are visible on the minimap with a crown icon.\n- AI players will garrison their Monarch into a safe building.\n- When loading into a game with no other players or AI, the Dominion win condition will automatically deactivate and not spawn a Monarch at the start.\n\n## Quality of Life Improvements\n\n- Walls under construction can now be converted into gates via an ability on the placed blueprint. Conversion to a gate can happen at any time before the wall section is finished construction, after which it is no longer possible to convert directly, and a Villager must be used. The cost of the conversion is the difference between the cost of the wall and gate. \n- When ungarrisoning from a building, units will exit the building from the location closest to the rally point direction.\n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"Gameplay\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ### AI\n\n - AI players now have a unique identifying number in the pinned player information.\n - AI villagers now flee when attacked by enemy units.\n - Corrected an issue where certain buildings would prioritize Battering Rams as targets.\n - Japanese AI now makes better use of Shinobi units.\n - Malian AI no longer get hyper focused on building a pit mine to the exclusion of all else.\n - Fixed an issue with Mongol AI not unpacking their starting Town Center.\n - Byzantine AI now place more cisterns.\n - Ottoman AI will no longer turn off military school production.\n - Easy AI no longer produces more than one Scout.\n \n > We have found that Easy AI can sometimes be too efficient at using Scouts to explore and take Sheep at this difficulty. We hope this change allows players to have more chances at securing Sheep when exploring the map.\n \n - Adjusted how the Easy and Intermediate AI chooses to advance to the next Age.\n - Easy AI is now adaptive, speeding up or slowing down its Age-up based on the other players in the match. The Easy AI will never surpass the Age of another player in the game.\n - Intermediate AI Ages up slower but can also adapt to faster Age-ups and catch up if needed.\n - Easy AI can now research Wheelbarrow and tier 1 economy technologies.\n - Easy AI can now research tier 1 Blacksmith technologies.\n - Intermediate AI can now only research tier 1 and 2 economy technologies.\n - Intermediate AI can now research tier 1 and 2 Blacksmith technologies.\n - Hard AI can now research all economy technologies.\n - Developer Note: Easy and Intermediate AI are being tuned to help players with ramp up in difficulty. The Easy AI would previously Age up too slow where the Intermediate AI would do so too fast. Additionally, Intermediate AI would research much more Blacksmith, economy, and other technologies compared to the Easy AI. These changes aim to create a more natural difficulty progression.\n \n ### Audio\n \n - Improved Simplified Chinese voice overs in The Sultans Ascend cinematics. \n \n ### Xbox Console\n \n - Manjaniq weapon toggles are now correctly displayed on the radial menu.\n - Fixed a bug where the lobby screen displayed other player’s scroll bars as interactable.\n - Fixed incorrect text that appeared when joining an existing custom match.\n - Fixed an issue where an emblem overlapped text on the ranked page.\n \n ### General\n \n - Shore Fish can no longer be permanently removed when placing structures on them and will automatically return when the building is deleted or destroyed. \n - Fixed an issue where Villagers seeking shelter would sometimes fail to choose the nearest available Outpost for shelter. \n - When unloading units from a garrison, they now exit on the side closest to their destination. \n - It’s now easier to target a live animal with a Villager when the animal overlaps a construction plan. \n - Fixed an exploit where Monks could duplicate Relics when removing them from Monasteries. \n - Fixed an issue where Lightweight Beams would not reduce construction times for some civilizations. \n - Previously, if a siege unit lost sight of a building it was attacking, it would go idle. Now it will move closer to regain vision and resume its attack. \n - Fixed a bug where Deer would get stuck together after colliding. \n - Landmarks no longer retain their garrison arrows after being destroyed and repaired. \n - Now, if a Siege Tower or Ram containing units passes over a stamped building, it will not cancel the building. \n - When a player is defeated, their units will now fully cease their current actions when they turn neutral. \n - Monks ordered to capture a Sacred Site will now remain until it’s captured before executing queued commands. \n - Fixed a bug where Villagers would idle instead of returning to work when their previous job was gathering from a Boar. \n - Explosive Ship kills are now counted in post-game statistics. \n - The post-game statistics now correctly reflect units lost when a Transport Ship sinks. \n - Units inside a Ram or Siege Tower inside a Transport Ship will now die if the ship is destroyed. \n - Fixed a crash that could occur when exiting the Acre mission. \n - The Inna Jiffy cheat now applies to Ayyubid cavalry and Ghulam units. \n - Fixed a crash that could happen when playing on Canal with two teams of unequal player count. \n - Fixed an issue where water borders were harsh or jagged on some maps. \n - Fixed an issue with Forts where the wrong size of map was used for team games. This caused starting bases to overlap with enemies and allies in rare cases. \n - Fixed an issue with Black Forest where the wrong size was used for solo and team games. This caused the middle lanes to be generated incorrectly. \n - Fixed an issue with Migration where the wrong size was used for team games. This created a much smaller island to fight over once you have migrated to the main island. \n - Fixed a crash that could occur when entering a match. \n - Fixed a crash that could occur when switching control groups quickly while mousing over the command card.\n \n ### UI\n \n - Fixed a bug where if a party host leaves, the new host would not be able to invite new players to the party. \n - Fixed an issue where codex items were incorrectly clipped. \n - Added functionality for players to block chat communication and see who they have blocked. \n - Player stats can now be viewed on the Quick Match screen. \n - Fixed an issue that prevented players from scrolling the games list page under certain circumstances. \n - The Byzantine Selection Card background pattern is no longer missing. \n - Fixed an issue where using Shift + clicking on the idle / working villager buttons would not select all idle villagers or villagers working on the specific resource. \n \n ### Achievements, Challenges & Masteries\n \n - Revamped Masteries to improve difficulty balance. \n - Changed “Test of Strength” challenges from requiring the defeat of AI to winning games with the associated civilization. \n - Fixed a bug where building extra landmarks to activate dynasties as the Chinese was being counted as aging up for the Achievement “Through the Ages”. \n - Some Achievements that were previously untranslated into Turkish, Finnish, Polish and Russian are now translated. \n - Fixed a bug where the “Transcontinental Empire” Achievement was not properly displaying progress. \n - An issue with some Achievements not unlocking on Steam has been fixed.`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Balance & Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"General Balance Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Ram health increased from 340 to 370.\n // Ram build time decreased from 80 to 70 seconds.\n // Workshop Ram train time reduced from 40 to 35 seconds.\n items: [\"units/battering-ram\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Health increased from 340 to 370.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Build time decreased from 80 to 70 seconds.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Workshop train time reduced from 40 to 35 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Mangonel and Nest of Bees health reduced from 140 to 130.\n items: [\"units/mangonel\", \"units/manjaniq\", \"units/nest-of-bees\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 140 to 130.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Springald bonus damage vs Siege increased from 60 to 65.\n items: [\"units/springald\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Bonus damage vs Siege increased from 60 to 65.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Bombard, Great Bombard, and Cannon ranged armor increased from 35 to 40.\n items: [\"units/cannon\", \"units/royal-cannon\", \"units/bombard\", \"units/great-bombard\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Ranged armor increased from 35 to 40.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Previously, some garrison-able buildings, units, and transports displayed each garrison weapon as individual weapons and have been merged for a cleaner weapon information card.\n title: \"Garrison-able Buildings, Units and Transports\",\n items: [],\n civs: [],\n diff: [],\n note: `Previously, some garrison-able buildings, units, and transports displayed each garrison weapon as individual weapons and have been merged for a cleaner weapon information card.`,\n },\n {\n // Corrected some issues where Elite Army Tactics and Incendiary Arrows were not affecting all intended units.\n items: [\"technologies/elite-army-tactics\", \"technologies/incendiary-arrows\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected some issues where Elite Army Tactics and Incendiary Arrows were not affecting all intended units.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Stone earned from Relics in Pagoda’s reduced by 50% and Food/Wood has been increased in its place.\n // Now generates 100 Gold, 62 Food, 62 Wood, 25 Stone\n items: [\"buildings/pagoda\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Now generates 100 Gold, 62 Food, 62 Wood, 25 Stone (was 100 Gold, 50 Food, 50 Wood, 50 Stone)\"]],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where loaded Battering Rams were missing the unload garrison ability for HRE and OoTD.\n items: [\"units/battering-ram\"],\n civs: [\"hr\", \"od\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where loaded Battering Rams were missing the unload garrison ability for HRE and OoTD.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where Merchant Guilds could be researched twice for French and Jeanne d’Arc.\n items: [\"technologies/merchant-guilds\"],\n civs: [\"fr\", \"je\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Merchant Guilds could be researched twice for French and Jeanne d’Arc.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Civilization-Specific Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Abbasid Dynasty\",\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Fresh Foodstuffs moved from the Town Center to the Mill.\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\", \"buildings/mill\", \"technologies/fresh-foodstuffs\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Fresh Foodstuffs moved from the Town Center to the Mill.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Camel Archer cost reduced from 180 Food to 170 Food.\n items: [\"units/camel-archer\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 180 Food to 170 Food.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Fertile Crescent Wood discount increased from 25% to 30%.\n items: [\"technologies/fertile-crescent\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Wood discount increased from 25% to 30%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Spice Roads upgrade now correctly modifies gold income for all traders.\n items: [\"technologies/spice-roads\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Spice Roads upgrade now correctly modifies gold income for all traders.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n // Ayyubids\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Ayyubids\",\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Tower of the Sultan:\n // No longer has Ram melee vulnerability.\n // Build time reduced from 200 to 140 seconds.\n // Garrisoned units increase movement speed for each unit garrisoned.\n // Atabeg’s Supervision and Biology are now multiplicative.\n // Corrected an issue where Desert Raiders ranged weapon was not fully benefitting from their Golden Age 5 attack speed bonus.\n items: [\"units/tower-of-the-sultan\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"No longer has Ram melee vulnerability.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Build time reduced from 200 to 140 seconds.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Garrisoned units increase movement speed for each unit garrisoned.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Atabeg’s Supervision and Biology are now multiplicative.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/atabeg\", \"technologies/biology\", \"abilities/ability-atabeg-supervision\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Atabeg’s Supervision and Biology are now multiplicative.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/desert-raider\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Desert Raiders ranged weapon was not fully benefitting from their Golden Age 5 attack speed bonus.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Byzantines\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Byzantines\",\n civs: [\"by\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Chierosiphon cost reduced from 200 Wood 100 Gold to 200 Wood 60 Gold.\n // Chierosiphon health increased from 280 to 310.\n // Chierosiphon ranged armor increased from 30 to 50.\n // Chierosiphon bonus damage vs Walls increased from 0 to 5.\n items: [\"units/cheirosiphon\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 200 Wood 100 Gold to 200 Wood 60 Gold.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Health increased from 280 to 310.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Ranged armor increased from 30 to 50.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Bonus damage vs Walls increased from 0 to 5.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // First Mercenary contract choice is now free and instant, saving 100 Olive Oil and 20 seconds of research time.\n items: [\n \"buildings/mercenary-house\",\n \"technologies/eastern-mercenary-contract\",\n \"technologies/silk-road-mercenary-contract\",\n \"technologies/western-mercenary-contract\",\n ],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"First Mercenary contract choice is now free and instant, saving 100 Olive Oil and 20 seconds of research time.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Veteran Mercenary upgrade cost reduced from 100 Food 250 Gold to 50 Food 125 Gold and research time reduced from 60 to 30 seconds.\n items: [\"technologies/veteran-mercenaries\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 100 Food 250 Gold to 50 Food 125 Gold.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Research time reduced from 60 to 30 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Limitanei Shield wall damage reduction reduced from 40% to 30%.\n items: [\"units/limitanei\", \"abilities/ability-shield-wall\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Shield Wall Damage reduction reduced from 40% to 30%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Mangonel Emplacement damage reduced from 8 to 7.\n items: [\"technologies/mangonel-emplacement\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Damage reduced from 8 to 7.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where Mercenary Sipahi and Mercenary Camel Riders would receive Gold from Expilatores upgrade when killing Villagers.\n items: [\"technologies/expilatores\", \"units/camel-rider\", \"units/sipahi\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Mercenary Sipahi and Mercenary Camel Riders would receive Gold from Expilatores upgrade when killing Villagers.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Greek Fire Projectiles help-text now mentions that patches of Greek Fire can’t stack.\n items: [\"technologies/greek-fire-projectiles\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Greek Fire Projectiles help-text now mentions that patches of Greek Fire can’t stack.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Chinese\n {\n subtitle: \"Chinese\",\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/barbican-of-the-sun\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Barbican of the Sun now accepts your tax drop-offs.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Delhi Sultanate\n // Ghazi Raiders are no longer missing bonus damage versus siege engines.\n // Lightweight Beams now has the correct research time in the Imperial Age.\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Delhi Sultanate\",\n civs: [\"de\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/ghazi-raider\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Ghazi Raiders are no longer missing bonus damage versus siege engines.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/lightweight-beams\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Lightweight Beams now has the correct research time in the Imperial Age.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // English\n\n {\n subtitle: \"English\",\n civs: [\"en\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/berkshire-palace\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Berkshire Palace weapons are no longer duplicated on their UI.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where one garrison arrow was normal instead of incendiary.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // French\n\n {\n subtitle: \"French\",\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/keep\"],\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Keeps now cost 10% less stone to build.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Influence range increased by 1 tile.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Holy Roman Empire\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Holy Roman Empire\",\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"technologies/marching-drills\", \"units/prelate\"],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Marching Drills is now a civilization bonus and is granted for free at the start of the game, it no longer affects Prelates.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/inspired-warriors\", \"units/prelate\"],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Inspired Warriors now increases the move speed of Prelates.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/meinwerk-palace\"],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Bonus increased from 40% to 50% cost and research time.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Japanese\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Japanese\",\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/castle-of-the-crow\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where projectiles would be blocked when attacked from certain angles.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Help-text now explains that bonus Stone is reduced compared to Food, Gold, and Wood.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/towara\", \"technologies/takezaiku\", \"technologies/fudasashi\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Previously missing Towara, Takezaiku, and Fudasashi economy pips now appear.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Jeanne d'Arc\n // (Variant Civilization: French)\n\n // Consecrate help-text now updates after researching Ordinance Company.\n {\n subtitle: \"Jeanne d'Arc\",\n civs: [\"je\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"abilities/ability-consecrate\", \"technologies/ordinance-company\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Consecrate help-text now updates after researching Ordinance Company.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Mongols\n // Moving buildings rotation rate reduced so that they do not instantly snap when changing direction.\n // Horse Archers now properly use the Gallop ability.\n // Nest of Bees units now receive the Additional Barrels upgrade.\n // Prayer Tents no longer grant vision on pre-placement after researching Monastic Shrines.\n // Fixed an issue where units could get trapped in a Mongol landmark when its owner was eliminated.\n // A crash relating to The Silver Tree landmark has been fixed.\n // Allies of a Mongol player can now set the Silver Tree as a trade destination while it’s packed up and Traders will only move to it when it’s unpacked.\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Mongols\",\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n changes: [\n // Ovoo Stone income in the Dark Age reduced from 80 to 70 per minute.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/ovoo\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Stone income in the Dark Age reduced from 80 to 70 per minute.\"]],\n },\n // Khaganate Palace: Rus Knights now properly use Poleaxe.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/khaganate-palace\", \"units/khaganate-elite-knights\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Rus Knights now properly use Poleaxe.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/khaganate-palace\", \"units/khaganate-nest-of-bees\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Now receive the Additional Barrels upgrade.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/prayer-tent\", \"technologies/monastic-shrines\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Prayer Tents no longer grant vision on pre-placement after researching Monastic Shrines.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/the-silver-tree\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Allies of a Mongol player can now set the Silver Tree as a trade destination while it’s packed up.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Traders will only move to it when it’s unpacked.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"A crash relating to The Silver Tree landmark has been fixed.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Moving Buildings\",\n items: [],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Rotation rate reduced so that they do not instantly snap when changing direction.\"]],\n },\n {\n title: \"Landmarks\",\n items: [],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where units could get trapped in a Mongol landmark when its owner was eliminated.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Order of the Dragon\n // (Variant Civilization: Holy Roman Empire)\n\n // Aachen Chapel bonus increased from 10% to 15%.\n // Meinwerk Palace bonus increased from 40% to 50% cost and research time.\n // Golden Cuirass cost increased from 50 Food 125 Gold to 100 Food 200 Gold (50 Food 100 Gold discount).\n // Zornhau cost increased from 100 Food 250 Gold to 150 Food 350 Gold (75 Food 175 Gold discount).\n // Bodkin Bolts cost increased from 200 Food 500 Gold to 300 Food 700 Gold (150 Food 350 Gold discount).\n // Corrected Gilded Handcannons missing projectile and muzzle effects.\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Order of the Dragon\",\n civs: [\"od\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/aachen-chapel\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Bonus increased from 10% to 15%.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/meinwerk-palace\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Bonus increased from 40% to 50% cost and research time.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/golden-cuirass\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 50 Food 125 Gold to 100 Food 200 Gold (50 Food 100 Gold discount).\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/zornhau\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 100 Food 250 Gold to 150 Food 350 Gold (75 Food 175 Gold discount).\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/bodkin-bolts\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 200 Food 500 Gold to 300 Food 700 Gold (150 Food 350 Gold discount).\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/gilded-handcannoneer\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected Gilded Handcannons missing projectile and muzzle effects.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Ottomans\n // Great Bombard health reduced from 350 to 300.\n // Great Bombard ranged armor increased by +5.\n // Vizier experience requirements for each level increased from 60/80/120/200/320 to 60/100/150/240/320\n // Military School production speed reduced from 4.5x to 5x the standard production rate.\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/great-bombard\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 350 to 300.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Ranged armor increased by +5.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Vizier Points\",\n items: [],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Experience requirements for each level increased from 60/80/120/200/320 to 60/100/150/240/320.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/military-school\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Production speed reduced from 4.5x to 5x the standard production rate.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Rus\n // Hunting Cabin build time increased from 25 to 35 seconds.\n // Boyars Fortitude cost increased from 100 Food, 250 Gold to 150 Food, 350 Gold.\n // Corrected an issue where Horse Archers would not retain the Mounted Precision bonuses when advancing to the next tier.\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Rus\",\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/hunting-cabin\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Build time increased from 25 to 35 seconds.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/boyars-fortitude\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 100 Food, 250 Gold to 150 Food, 350 Gold.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/horse-archer\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Horse Archers would not retain the Mounted Precision bonuses when advancing to the next tier.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n {\n title: \"Ongoing…\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Known Issues\n For known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked:\n [Known Issues](https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408424670484-Known-Issues-Solutions)`,\n },\n {\n title: \"What's on the Horizon\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Coming Up…\n We’re working on our next update and look forward to sharing more soon.\n\n `,\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch10148: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-10148\",\n buildId: 10148,\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-10-1-48/\",\n name: \"Patch 10.1.48\",\n season: 7,\n type: \"patch\",\n summary: \"Cost reduction for Arrow and Springald Ships, major buff to English Abbey, changes to English Campfire and other balance changes.\",\n introduction: `\n \n\"Happy Patch Day! This minor patch incorporates a few balance tweaks and bugfixes.\n\nRead on to learn more!\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2024-03-27T18:00:00Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Gameplay\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ### General\n - Fixed an issue where Scouts can skip their reload animations.\n\n ### AI Updates\n - Unique AI names have been shortened to use less screen space.\n\n ### AI Updates (Nomad Mode)\n - Fixed a problem in Nomad mode where building your Town Center close to an AI’s Town Center could cause the AI to stop playing. Now, the AI will still start building again in a different location.\n \n ### UX/UI & Menus (All Platforms)\n - Added a separate Free-For-All map pool which contains Megarandom and Land Megarandom only. This pool has one veto and is used when a Free-For-All match is found in Quick Match. We plan to look at how best to expand this pool in future with maps which are more appropriate for the Free-For-All experience.\n - Fixed an issue on Xbox consoles where a permission dialogue would show for settings other than cross play when adjusting Cross Play settings.\n - Fix an issue on Xbox consoles where Pages of History failed to display.\n - Fixed a bug where if the player views a replay from someone else’s profile, after the replay they were viewing their own profile. Now, after a replay, players will view the profile they originally started the replay from.\n - Reduced rose sigil size.\n - Fixed a softlock that may occur when accepting an invite while in a loading screen of the tutorial mission.\n \n ### Remappable Hotkeys\n - It’s now possible to bind the keys Ctrl+NumLock, Ctrl+Pause and Ctrl+ScrollLock.`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Balance & Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"General Changes and Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n - Fixed a bug that required using parameters on Steam for older PCs to avoid a crash during launch.\n - Fixed an issue where Springalds received extra damage from Horseman and Mangonels.\n - Fixed an issue where the HRE Prelate UI counter wasn’t displayed. \n - Fixed a Sync Error that would occur when using the “It Was Known” cheat in a multiplayer match.\n`,\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"General Balance Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Arrow ships Food cost reduced from 90 to 80.\n items: [\"units/galley\", \"units/dhow\", \"units/junk\", \"units/hunting-canoe\", \"units/light-junk\", \"units/lodya-galley\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Food cost reduced from 90 to 80.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Springald ship Food cost reduced from 120 to 110.\n items: [\"units/baghlah\", \"units/war-junk\", \"units/hulk\", \"units/war-cog\", \"units/war-canoe\", \"units/lodya-attack-ship\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Food cost reduced from 120 to 110.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Civilization-Specific Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Abbasid Dynasty\",\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Culture Wing – Medical Centers now applies a healing aura to Town Centers as well as Keeps.\n items: [\"technologies/medical-centers\", \"buildings/town-center\", \"buildings/capital-town-center\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Culture Wing – Medical Centers Now applies a healing aura to Town Centers as well as Keeps.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n // Ayyubids\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Ayyubids\",\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Corrected an issue where Tower of the Sultan would lose Blacksmith upgrades after researching incendiary arrows.\n items: [\"units/tower-of-the-sultan\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Tower of the Sultan would lose Blacksmith upgrades after researching incendiary arrows.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Byzantines\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Byzantines\",\n civs: [\"by\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Increased the Mercenary Contract research time from 0 to 10 seconds to allow for adjustment in case of a mis-click.\n items: [\"technologies/eastern-mercenary-contract\", \"technologies/silk-road-mercenary-contract\", \"technologies/western-mercenary-contract\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Research time increased from 0 to 10 seconds.\"]],\n note: \"To allow for adjustment in case of a mis-click.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // English\n\n {\n subtitle: \"English\",\n civs: [\"en\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Campfire has been removed from the Man-at-Arms and can now be found on the Scout.\n // Campfire now shines brighter with an increase in sight from 3 to 5 tiles.\n // Campfire now has team color on the minimap.\n items: [\"units/scout\", \"abilities/ability-setup-camp\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Campfire has been removed from Man-at-Arms and can now be found on the Scout\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Increase sight range from 3 to 5 tiles.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Now has team color on the minimap.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Abbey of Kings Landmark now automatically queues a free King upon completion of the Landmark.\n items: [\"buildings/abbey-of-kings\", \"units/king\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Abbey of Kings Landmark now automatically queues a free King upon completion of the Landmark.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Berkshire Palace Landmark weapon range bonus reduced from 15 tiles to 14.5 tiles.\n items: [\"buildings/berkshire-palace\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Weapon range bonus reduced from 15 tiles to 14.5 tiles.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Wynguard Palace Landmark\n // Wynguard Footman cost changed from 200 Food, 500 Gold to 300 Food, 400 Gold.\n items: [\"units/wynguard-footmen\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost changed from 200 Food, 500 Gold to 300 Food, 400 Gold.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Train time reduced from 50 to 45 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Ranger and Footman train time reduced from 50 to 45 seconds.\n items: [\"units/wynguard-rangers\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Train time reduced from 50 to 45 seconds.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // French\n\n {\n subtitle: \"French\",\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // War Cog Food cost reduced from 85 to 75.\n items: [\"units/war-cog\"],\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Food cost reduced from 85 to 75.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Jeanne d'Arc\n // (Variant Civilization: French)\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Jeanne d'Arc\",\n civs: [\"je\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Smithy’s Grace, the French Civilization bonus that provides free Blacksmith Upgrades, is no longer granted to Jeanne d’Arc.\n items: [],\n title: \"Smithy’s Grace Civ Bonus\",\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"The French Civilization bonus that provides free Blacksmith Upgrades, is no longer granted to Jeanne d’Arc.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Order of the Dragon\n // (Variant Civilization: Holy Roman Empire)\n\n // Battering Ram build time reduced from 70 seconds to 45 seconds.\n // Siege Tower build time reduced from 30 to 19.5 seconds.\n {\n subtitle: \"Order of the Dragon\",\n civs: [\"od\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/battering-ram\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Build time reduced from 70 seconds to 45 seconds.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/siege-tower\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Build time reduced from 30 to 19.5 seconds.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Ottomans\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n {\n //Grand Galley Food cost reduced from 150 to 135.\n items: [\"units/grand-galley\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Food cost reduced from 150 to 135.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n // Rus\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Rus\",\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n changes: [\n {\n //Kremlin’s default arrow and garrison arrow weapon range reduced from 8 to 7 tiles.\n items: [\"buildings/kremlin\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Default arrow and garrison arrow weapon range reduced from 8 to 7 tiles.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n {\n title: \"Ongoing…\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Known Issues\n We’ve seen reports of players attempting to queue for Free-For-All (FFA) in a party receiving a server error message. Party play is currently not supported while queueing for a FFA match and the option to select the FFA match type should be disabled while in a party. Currently, the option is not disabled properly, and the server error is preventing teams from entering the FFA queue. This is intended, and we plan to make a future fix to disable the FFA option in these circumstances.\n \n [Known Issues](https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408424670484-Known-Issues-Solutions)`,\n },\n {\n title: \"What's on the Horizon\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Coming Up…\n We’re working on our next update and look forward to sharing more soon.\n\n `,\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch1212638: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-1212638\",\n buildId: 1212638,\n name: \"Hotfix 12.1.2638\",\n season: 9,\n type: \"patch\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-hotfix-12-1-2638/\",\n summary: \"Hotfix for Malian Mansa Javelineer unlock bug.\",\n introduction: `\"Hello, Age IV community! We delivered what we thought would be our final patch of the year on November 19th, and then your diligent eyes spotted a bug. We've wrapped up one final gift as part of this year's Season's Feast, and today's hotfix brings with it a quick Malians bug fix heading into the holidays.\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2023-12-03T18:00:00Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Bug Fixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/mansa-javelineer\", \"buildings/archery-range\", \"buildings/farimba-garrison\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue with the Malian Mansa Javelineer's Farimba unlock being available at the Archery Range in Feudal Age.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch1223327: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-1223327\",\n buildId: 1223327,\n name: \"Patch 12.2.3327\",\n season: 9,\n type: \"patch\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-12-2-3327/\",\n summary: \"Scout and siege unit adjustments, civilization balance changes including Japanese barracks cost reduction and Malian buffs.\",\n introduction: `\"Happy belated New Year, Age IV community! We shared some exciting news last week (read here if you haven’t already). And now we’re back with more of what you’re looking for: balance updates, bug fixes, plus a brand new seasonal event and game mode. \n `,\n date: new Date(\"2024-02-13T18:00:00Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Balance\",\n subtitle: \"Global Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/scout\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 70 to 65 food.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Train time reduced from 25 to 23 seconds.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Malian Scout train time reduced from 15 to 14 seconds.\", [\"ma\"]],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/professional-scouts\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Movement speed penalty increased from 35% to 40%.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 75 wood 275 gold to 100 wood 275 gold.\"],\n ],\n note: \" The team is aware of the current state of professional scouts in the meta, we will continue to monitor the situation and potentially address it in the next update.\",\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/bombard\", \"units/cannon\", \"units/culverin\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Bombard damage increased from 50 to 55.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Cannon damage increased from 55 to 60.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Culverin damage increased from 35 to 40.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/springald\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Projectile now has a significantly larger hitbox.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/adjustable-crossbars\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Projectile blast radius and projectile scatter reduced from +100% to +75%.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/spearman\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Now gain an additional +3/4/5/6 bonus damage versus elephants with Base/Hardened/Veteran/Elite tiers.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/crossbowman\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Base damage decreased from 12 to 11.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Bonus damage increased from 9 to 10.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Elite damage decreased from 15 to 14.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Elite bonus damage increased from 11 to 12.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/elite-army-tactics\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Effect adjusted from 20% to 15% damage (still affects bonus damage).\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 400 food 800 gold to 500 food 1000 gold.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Effect changed from +4 melee armor to +15% health.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/elite-army-tactics-improved\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Now grants +20% damage and health, costing 1500 stone\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Byzantines\",\n civs: [\"by\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/tower-elephant\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Mercenary Tower Elephants would not benefit from Incendiary Arrows.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/cataphract\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Cataphracts now use Byzantine shields.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Delhi Sultanate\",\n civs: [\"de\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/madrasa\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"No longer gain three free scholars with first Madrasa.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/dome-of-the-faith\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Discount reduced; scholars now train for 75 gold.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/incendiary-arrows\", \"technologies/biology\", \"technologies/elite-army-tactics\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Research time increased from 22 minutes to 23.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/silk-bowstrings\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Research time increased from 12 minutes to 18.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"English\",\n civs: [\"en\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"technologies/network-of-citadels\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Network of Citadels had an outdated description.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/wynguard-ranger\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Wynguard Rangers could see over stealth forests.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Japanese\",\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/barracks\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"New Bonus: Barracks cost -50% wood.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/fishing-boat\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Fishing ship wood discount changed from 40% to 25%.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/samurai\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Train speed reduced from 23 to 20 seconds.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/tatara\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 25 stone 50 gold to 15 stone 35 gold.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Research time reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/hizukuri\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 75 stone 100 gold to 50 stone 100 gold.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Research time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/daimyo-manor\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 225 to 175 stone.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/floating-gate\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Yorishiro bonus: Dock and Military Building Production speed reduced from 150% to 125%.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Yorishiro bonus: Farmhouse/Lumbercamp/Forge RPM reduced from 75f/w to 70 f/w, 60g to 50g.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Malians\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/house\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Health increased from 500 to 550.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/pit-mine\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Health increased from 1500 to 1600.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Gold generation increased from 35 to 36 per minute.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 400 wood 450 gold to 400 wood 400 gold.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/sofa\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Feudal Age health increased from 155 to 160.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Feudal Age attack increased from 16 to 17.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/scout\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Scout renamed to Vanguard Scout.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Train time reduced from 15 to 14 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/musofadi-warrior\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Health increased from 90 to 95.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Veteran Health increased from 110 to 115.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Elite Health increased from 135 to 140.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/pit-mine\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue with incorrect cap on Pit Mines for maps with extremely close gold mines creating overlapping influences.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where small Pit Mines would generate 1% less gold than intended with full saturation.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/farimba-garrison\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Mansa Javelineers could be unlocked from the Archery Range without building the Farimba Garrison.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Mongols\",\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/khan\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Khan's Hunter double production was using the Mangudai icon.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/the-white-stupa\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where the White Stupa wasn't selected by the Select All Technology Buildings hotkey.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"technologies/superior-mobility\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where researching the improved version Superior Mobility first would not grant the faster unpacking effect.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/akinji\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Cavalry Archer renamed to Akinji.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 100 food 80 wood to 90 food 80 wood.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Production time reduced from 27 seconds to 25 seconds.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Cavalry Archer Vizier Point renamed to Akinji System.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\n \"buildings/blacksmith\",\n \"buildings/university\",\n \"buildings/barracks\",\n \"buildings/dock\",\n \"buildings/archery-range\",\n \"buildings/stable\",\n \"buildings/siege-workshop\",\n \"buildings/town-center\",\n \"buildings/university\",\n \"buildings/wall-yard\",\n \"buildings/workshop\",\n \"buildings/yorishiro\",\n ],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Military and Technology Building discount increased from 33% to 40%.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ayyubids\",\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/atabeg\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where the last Atabeg could not be retrained and was permanently lost.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Atabegs no longer incorrectly use Malian Camel Trader skins.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/desert-raider\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Desert Raiders would benefit from Silk Bowstrings on their melee weapons.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Order of the Dragon\",\n civs: [\"od\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/gilded-spearman\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Gilded Spearmen now gain +6/8/10/12 additional bonus damage versus Elephants with Base/Hardened/Veteran/Elite tiers.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/aachen-chapel\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where the Inspire ability range for the Order of the Dragon Aachen Chapel was shorter than its visual range.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch14681: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-14681\",\n buildId: 14681,\n name: \"Patch 14681\",\n season: 1,\n type: \"patch\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-14681/\",\n summary: \"Decrease in Team Game Map Sizes, Chinese Extra Materials nerf, and stone walls under construction can now be attacked.\",\n introduction: `\"In Patch 14681, we’re excited to share some changes we’ve made based on your feedback. To start, we know you’ve been asking for Team Game Map Size changes, and this patch introduces the option to choose smaller or larger maps in multiplayer – whatever your preference! We’ve also put some focus towards tuning specific maps to be better for all types of multiplayer and skirmish modes. While there’s still more we’d like to do for maps that we weren’t able to get to in this patch, we’d especially like to thank you for continuing to share your thoughts. Your map feedback has been incredibly helpful to us! \n \n For balance, we know you’ve been wanting your units to be able to attack stone walls under construction… and now you can! We’re also making a few adjustments for Chinese Extra Materials, and while balance changes for Mangonels aren’t quite ready for Patch 14681, we’ll be looking at focusing their role so they aren’t as powerful in all situations and have a more defined place in the unit counter system in a future patch.\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2022-05-02\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Balance Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Stone walls under construction can now be attacked by all units\n items: [\"buildings/stone-wall\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Stone walls under construction can now be attacked by all units\"]],\n },\n {\n // Chinese Extra Materials no longer stacks on single wall segments\n // Chinese Extra Materials now repairs all wall segments within range. Chinese Extra Materials repair range reduced from 12.5 tiles to 4 tiles\n // Added an aura UI which shows the ability range of Chinese Towers and Outposts after researching Extra Materials\n items: [\"technologies/extra-materials\", \"buildings/stone-wall\", \"buildings/outpost\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Chinese Extra Materials no longer stacks on single wall segments\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Chinese Extra Materials now repairs all wall segments within range.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Chinese Extra Materials repair range reduced from 12.5 tiles to 4 tiles\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Added an aura UI which shows the ability range of Chinese Towers and Outposts after researching Extra Materials\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Bug Fixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Fixed a bug where villagers could become stuck gathering from sheep if they had previously been gathering from deer or boar\n items: [\"units/villager\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed a bug where villagers could become stuck gathering from sheep if they had previously been gathering from deer or boar\"]],\n },\n\n {\n // Fixed a bug where Nest of Bees reload time could be avoided by cancelling in the middle of an attack\n items: [\"units/nest-of-bees\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed a bug where reload time could be avoided by cancelling in the middle of an attack\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Map Changes\",\n description: \"Team game map sizes have been reduced across the board.\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // We now support playing 4v4 on the Large map size, and 3v3 on the Medium map size – these options are now supported for custom games\n // In Quick Match, 2v2 games will now be played on Small (down from Medium), 3v3 games on Medium (down from Large), and 4v4 on Large (down from Gigantic)\n // Gigantic maps are still available for custom games. Please continue to give us feedback on how map sizes feel in team games!\n items: [],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"We now support playing 4v4 on the Large map size, and 3v3 on the Medium map size – these options are now supported for custom games\"],\n [\n \"buff\",\n \"In Quick Match, 2v2 games will now be played on Small (down from Medium), 3v3 games on Medium (down from Large), and 4v4 on Large (down from Gigantic)\",\n ],\n ],\n note: \"Gigantic maps are still available for custom games. Please continue to give us feedback on how map sizes feel in team games!\",\n },\n {\n items: [\"maps/warring-islands\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"buff\",\n \"Updated how the spawns on Warring Islands work in the case of uneven teams (where the difference between the largest and smallest team is greater than 2 (e.g. in a 4v2v1v1).\",\n ],\n ],\n note: \"In cases like this, each player will now get their own island in order to ensure that the larger team doesn’t have a distinct resource and build space advantage. Teammates’ islands should be in close proximity though, so controlling the seas with your teammates is still important!\",\n },\n {\n // Altai\n // The amount of trees on Altai has been increased. In addition to starting dense forests, numerous small dense forests have been added\n // Dev note: We saw that games pushing into Imperial Age on Altai could often result in the entire map being harvested of wood, so we’ve added numerous small dense woods around the map to help alleviate the wood starvation late-game. The forests we added were small forests to make sure they did not choke up the openings on the map, as we want Altai to remain a relatively open map.\n items: [\"maps/altai\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"The amount of trees on Altai has been increased. In addition to starting dense forests, numerous small dense forests have been added\"],\n ],\n note: \"We saw that games pushing into Imperial Age on Altai could often result in the entire map being harvested of wood, so we’ve added numerous small dense woods around the map to help alleviate the wood starvation late-game. The forests we added were small forests to make sure they did not choke up the openings on the map, as we want Altai to remain a relatively open map.\",\n },\n {\n // Mountain Pass\n // Trade Posts on Mountain Pass have been moved to spawn halfway between the corner of the map and wherever the mountain range hits the map edge. This should help ease cases of trade being too vulnerable as soon as one team loses the central pass\n items: [\"maps/mountain-pass\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"buff\",\n \"Trade Posts on Mountain Pass have been moved to spawn halfway between the corner of the map and wherever the mountain range hits the map edge.\",\n ],\n ],\n note: \"This should help ease cases of trade being too vulnerable as soon as one team loses the central pass.\",\n },\n {\n // French Pass\n // To open up the map a bit more on French Pass, we’ve shortened the mountain ranges\n // Dev note: French Pass was playing as a quite turtle-y map, with the mountains reaching far enough towards the map edge that walling off entire sides of the map was quite cheap to do. We’ve cut the mountain ranges a bit shorter on both sides to open up the sides of the map for more dynamic engagements and army maneuvering.\n items: [\"maps/french-pass\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"To open up the map a bit more on French Pass, we’ve shortened the mountain ranges\"]],\n note: \"French Pass was playing as a quite turtle-y map, with the mountains reaching far enough towards the map edge that walling off entire sides of the map was quite cheap to do. We’ve cut the mountain ranges a bit shorter on both sides to open up the sides of the map for more dynamic engagements and army maneuvering.\",\n },\n\n {\n // Boulder Bay\n // Boulder Bay has had tuning done to player spawning to ensure that the maps loaded correctly, and placed players and their team in the correct areas\n items: [\"maps/boulder-bay\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Boulder Bay has had tuning done to player spawning to ensure that the maps loaded correctly, and placed players and their team in the correct areas\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n {\n // The Danube River\n // The Danube River map has had a few tweaks to make trade more viable and open up more play options for the hill side of the map.\n // Both trade posts will now spawn in opposing corners of the hill\n // Dev note: this should allow for both teams to have equal access to trade independent of water control.\n // Sacred Sites have been moved slightly – one is now near the edge of the map on the island, where the old island trade post spawned, and one is in the center of the hill, with a new path leading down to the bridge\n // Dev note: we wanted to open up play on the hill more than was happening before. The added path, along with shorter cliffs overall, should make this a more interesting area to control and contest.\n // Two boar have been added to the center of the island to maintain its’ economic importance\n items: [\"maps/danube-river\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"The Danube River map has had a few tweaks to make trade more viable and open up more play options for the hill side of the map.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Both trade posts will now spawn in opposing corners of the hill\"],\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Sacred Sites have been moved slightly – one is now near the edge of the map on the island, where the old island trade post spawned, and one is in the center of the hill, with a new path leading down to the bridge\",\n ],\n [\"fix\", \"Two boar have been added to the center of the island to maintain its’ economic importance\"],\n ],\n note: \"This should allow for both teams to have equal access to trade independent of water control. Qe wanted to open up play on the hill more than was happening before. The added path, along with shorter cliffs overall, should make this a more interesting area to control and contest.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const serverSidePatch14681: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"server-side-patch-14681\",\n buildId: 14681,\n name: \"Server-Side Patch 14681 \",\n season: 1,\n type: \"patch\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-server-side-patch-14681/\",\n summary: \"Mangonel buff, House of Wisdom tier 1 tech research time reduced, HRE starting gold removed in favor of a free prelate, and more.\",\n introduction: `\"In Server-Side Patch 14681, we’re bringing you changes to Mangonels! We recognize there’s been a lot of discussion around Mangonels, and we believe these changes build upon the unit’s uniqueness. We’re always open to more feedback, however! You may also be excited to know that the HRE’s Prelates have remembered how to shuffle their feet and no longer get stuck when inspiring their allies. \"`,\n date: new Date(\"2022-05-16T20:00:00.000Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Balance Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Mangonel now deals 50% more damage to ranged units. Attack radius increased from 0.75 tiles to 0.875. (Developer Note: We want to focus the Mangonel role to be strong versus ranged units like archers and handcannons while the Ribauldequin is powerful versus melee units.)\n items: [\"units/mangonel\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Added 50% bonus damage to ranged units\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Attack radius increased from 0.75 tiles to 0.875\"],\n ],\n note: \"We want to focus the Mangonel role to be strong versus ranged units like archers and handcannons while the Ribauldequin is powerful versus melee units.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Abbassid\",\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Reduced research time for House of Wisdom first tier techs (Fresh Foodstuffs, Boot Camp, Preservation of Knowledge, and Grand Bazaar) from 60 seconds to 30. (Developer Note: Other civilizations get to use their Landmark bonuses immediately upon age up, while Abbasid Dynasty has to wait for the research to complete. This change is aimed at overcoming this deficit in the early stages of the game.)\n items: [\"technologies/fresh-foodstuffs\", \"technologies/boot-camp\", \"technologies/preservation-of-knowledge\", \"technologies/grand-bazaar\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Reduced research time for House of Wisdom first tier techs from 60 seconds to 30.\"]],\n note: \"Other civilizations get to use their Landmark bonuses immediately upon age up, while Abbasid Dynasty has to wait for the research to complete. This change is aimed at overcoming this deficit in the early stages of the game.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Holy Roman Empire\",\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n changes: [\n // HRE will now start the game with a prelate and -100 gold (Developer Note: We did some modeling and found the HRE generate less resources than other civilizations, leading to a weaker Feudal Age and less options. Removing the starting gold ensures they don't have a bonkers Feudal Age speed, and now bolster a competitive number of resources in Feudal age.)\n {\n items: [],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"HRE will now start the game with 0 gold (down from 100 gold)\"]],\n note: \"We did some modeling and found the HRE generate less resources than other civilizations, leading to a weaker Feudal Age and less options. Removing the starting gold ensures they don't have a bonkers Feudal Age speed, and now bolster a competitive number of resources in Feudal age.\",\n },\n {\n //Prelates no longer become stuck inspiring an out-of-range target. (Developer Note: Sometimes, when a Player moved a Prelate away from a unit that was just starting to Inspire, it was possible for that Prelate to get stuck targeting that unit. This meant that when the Prelate arrived at a new group of units that the Player intended to Inspire, it would be stuck attempting to Inspire the original target that was too far away. The Prelate would not be able to acquire a new target until the old one was Inspired by a different source or killed, resulting in a \"Prelate.“ This fix has added logic to the Prelate that will ensure that it can no longer get stuck on any target and will always look for a new one when becoming idle.)\n items: [\"units/prelate\"],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"A free prelate will spawn at the beginning of the game\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Prelates no longer become stuck inspiring an out-of-range target\"],\n ],\n note: 'Sometimes, when a Player moved a Prelate away from a unit that was just starting to Inspire, it was possible for that Prelate to get stuck targeting that unit. This meant that when the Prelate arrived at a new group of units that the Player intended to Inspire, it would be stuck attempting to Inspire the original target that was too far away. The Prelate would not be able to acquire a new target until the old one was Inspired by a different source or killed, resulting in a \"Prelate.\" This fix has added logic to the Prelate that will ensure that it can no longer get stuck on any target and will always look for a new one when becoming idle.',\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Mongols\",\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Mongol Outposts Yam speed aura now only applies to units within the radius and no longer lingers for 10 seconds. (Developer Note: As movement speed is extremely strong, we want players to have to dedicate more time and resources to this bonus if they'd like it on more parts of the map. Doing this creates more risk in setting up outposts closer to the enemy base.)\n items: [\"buildings/outpost\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Mongol Yam speed Aura now only applies to units within the radius and no longer lingers for 10 seconds.\"]],\n note: \"As movement speed is extremely strong, we want players to have to dedicate more time and resources to this bonus if they'd like it on more parts of the map. Doing this creates more risk in setting up outposts closer to the enemy base.\",\n },\n {\n // * Mongol Khan Can no longer fire while on the move in the Dark Age. (Developer Note: This change is targeted at Khans following enemy scouts and killing their sheep. It's compounded by the fact that Mongols are often able to apply early pressure to enemies who are then out of sheep and low on options. This change will retain the Khan's fire while moving attack in all other ages.)\n items: [\"units/khan\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Mongol Khan Can no longer fire while on the move in the Dark Age.\"]],\n note: \"This change is targeted at Khans following enemy scouts and killing their sheep. It's compounded by the fact that Mongols are often able to apply early pressure to enemies who are then out of sheep and low on options. This change will retain the Khan's fire while moving attack in all other ages.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Maps\",\n civs: [],\n description:\n \"Danube River was having a bit of a boar problem on the island, and so a royal hunt was called. The map will now spawn boar in the following configuration\",\n changes: [\n {\n // * Danube River was having a bit of a boar problem on the island, and so a royal hunt was called. The map will now spawn boar in the following configuration:\n // * Micro size - only 2 boar will spawn, both on the island.\n // * Small size - the 2 island boar, along with 1 additional boar in the centre of the map's contested region will spawn.\n // * Medium size - the 2 island boar, along with 2 additional boar in the centre of the map's contested region will spawn.\n // * Large size - the 2 island boar, along with 3 additional boar in the centre of the map's contested region will spawn.\n // * Gigantic size - the 2 island boar, along with 4 additional boar in the centre of the map's contested region will spawn.\n // (Developer Note: The new boar amounts should now line up with the standard allotment of boar per map size, but with the added specificity of there being always at least 2 of them that spawn on the central island.)\n items: [\"maps/danube-river\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Two boars will spawn on the island, along with additional boars in the contested region for larger maps (+1 on micro, +2 on small, +3 on medium, +4 on large, +5 on gigantic)\",\n ],\n ],\n note: \"The new boar amounts should now line up with the standard allotment of boar per map size, but with the added specificity of there being always at least 2 of them that spawn on the central island.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What’s Next? \",\n civs: [],\n description: `\"We’ve heard from players that shift-queue commands needs some attention, and we’re investigating our options now. As we can only provide specific changes via Server-Side Patch, we are not able to include any changes to Shift-Queue in this one, but we’re looking to issue a fix for this in the near future. We’re also continuing to celebrate the Festival of Ages, so keep an eye out for more rewards coming soon! \"`,\n changes: [],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch15965: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-15965\",\n buildId: 15965,\n name: \"Patch 15965\",\n season: 1,\n type: \"patch\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-15965/\",\n summary: \"Shift-queue bug fix.\",\n introduction: `\"In Patch 15965, we’re bringing you fixes to the shift-queue bug that we know you’ve been asking for. Villagers are putting away their sheep shears and will now be using the correct weapons against enemy troops, and you can now queue as many buildings as your pockets allow.\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2022-05-25\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Balance Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/villager\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed a bug where villagers would sometimes use their wolf or sheep hunting weapons against enemy troops.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"General Fixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Fixed a bug where units would ignore commands given to them when using shift. This happened when the physical distance between locations was very close.\",\n ],\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed a bug where the player could not shift queue attack moves without multiple presses of the “A” key.\"],\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"You can now queue up building as many structures as you can afford. Previously the placement of the last building(s) would be cancelled due to available resource miscalculation.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What’s Next\",\n description: `We’ll be looking to bring the next Public Update Preview (PUP) your way in the next month or so!\n \n During the PUP, you’ll be able to try out some of the new features planned for Season Two early. While the PUP is designed to help us lock down, catch any unexpected issues and ensure polish when we’re delivering major updates, this time around we’re also testing a new experimental camera angle and zoom option to determine how and when to best introduce it into the game. We’ll be relying on your feedback to make some important decisions about which game modes this option applies to and more, so keep an eye out for more news on the PUP in the future!\n \n As well, the team is also investigating changes to Rank Point distribution for Season Two. We don’t have any specific details to share at this time, but we’re monitoring your feedback.\n \n Finally, we’re also continuing to celebrate the Festival of Ages! Keep an eye out for more rewards coming soon. Have any feedback to share with us about this patch or other topics?`,\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch20249: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-20249\",\n buildId: 20249,\n name: \"Patch 20249\",\n season: 2,\n type: \"patch\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-20249/\",\n summary: \"Cost decrease for Rams, dark age unit upgrades and survival techniques. Nerf to Herbal Medicine, Town Center garrison attacks and Outposts.\",\n introduction: `\"Welcome back to an exciting patch for Age of Empires IV! Starting tomorrow, August 4th, we’ll be rolling out balance changes, bug fixes, and more. And yes, that means we’re also including the Prelate Attack move bug you’ve reported! We’re also adding more improvements to hotkey features, including the ability to batch-queue units properly when using shift, mapping more hotkeys for civ-specific commands. Here are a few highlights that you can look forward to in tomorrow’s update!\" \n\n* Remappable Hotkey Fixes\n* Map Balance Changes\n* Other Balance Features\n* Quality-of-Life Bug Fixes \n \n `,\n date: new Date(\"2022-08-04 21:00:00 UTC\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Hotkeys\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `### Remappable Hotkeys\n * When using the Fully Remappable hotkey layout, holding down a hotkey now correctly queues up multiple units in a production building, and buys/sells large quantities of resources at the market. \n \n * Cancel Construction hotkey is now remappable.\n * Wooden Fortresses now respect bindings made under the Outpost category.\n * Golden Gate keys are now properly mapped to match the Market.\n * Khan Attack Speed Arrow is now remappable.\n * Mongol Town Center double production keys now mirror the Town Center keys properly.\n * Professional Scouts (Improved) now mirrors the base hotkey.\n * English unique technology Admiralty is now remappable.\n * White Tower unit production hotkeys now update properly.\n * Wynguard Palace unit production is now remappable.\n * Astronomical Clocktower siege is now remappable.\n * Barbican of the Sun emplacement upgrades are now remappable.\n * Palace of Swabia Prelates now mirror the Town Center binding.\n * Burgrave Palace is now fully remappable.\n * Delhi Sultanate Assign Scholar Directly is now remappable`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Mods\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `We’ve added additional terrain types for modders that spawn just one instance of each main resource type:\n* Gold (small and large)\n* Stone (small and large)\n* Berries (small and large)\n* Deer (small and large, so 3 and 7)\n* Sheep (single, double, triple).`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Balance Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Technologies\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Herbal Medicine Healing rate improvement reduced from 100% to 60%.\n // > With the addition of Attack move healing in the last major update we’re seeing you all bringing far more Monks to the battlefield! This change is mostly targeted at the Delhi Sultanate who can stack really high healing on Elephants, but it’s also a way to temper the effects of Attack move healing in general.\n items: [\"technologies/herbal-medicine\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Healing rate improvement reduced from 100% to 60%.\"]],\n note: \"With the addition of Attack move healing in the last major update we’re seeing you all bringing far more Monks to the battlefield! This change is mostly targeted at the Delhi Sultanate who can stack really high healing on Elephants, but it’s also a way to temper the effects of Attack move healing in general.\",\n },\n {\n // * Survival Techniques Cost reduced from 100 Gold, 50 Wood to 75 Gold, 25 Wood. Research time reduced from 45 to 25 seconds.\n items: [\"technologies/survival-techniques\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 100 Gold, 50 Wood to 75 Gold, 25 Wood.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Research time reduced from 45 to 25 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // * Siege Engineering Research time reduced from 45 to 30 seconds.\n items: [\"technologies/siege-engineering\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Research time reduced from 45 to 30 seconds.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Units\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Ram Cost decreased from 300 to 250.\n // > These changes are aimed at making a defense against a Tower Rush easier, by reducing the time to access Ram construction and the cost of building a defensive Ram. We’re also aiming to make Feudal aggression more viable against turtling players.\n items: [\"units/battering-ram\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Cost decreased from 300 to 250.\"]],\n note: \"These changes are aimed at making a defense against a Tower Rush easier, by reducing the time to access Ram construction and the cost of building a defensive Ram. We’re also aiming to make Feudal aggression more viable against turtling players.\",\n },\n {\n // * Scout production time increased from 20 to 25 seconds.\n // * Scout Health regeneration reduced by 50%.\n // * Reducing the height of Stealth forests from 500 to 100 to allow for Scouts to see through them reliably without obstruction.\n // > Scouts could sometimes have their vision blocked due to terrain height or placement of certain stealth trees. We’ve updated their vision to be able to see through stealth forests more reliably.\n items: [\"units/scout\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Production time increased from 20 to 25 seconds.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Health regeneration reduced by 50%.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Scouts can now see through Stealth Forests reliably.\"],\n ],\n note: \"Reducing the height of Stealth forests from 500 to 100. Scouts could sometimes have their vision blocked due to terrain height or placement of certain stealth trees. We’ve updated their vision to be able to see through stealth forests more reliably.\",\n },\n\n // * Early Horseman, Vanguard Man-at-Arms and Spearman Cost to advance to the next tier reduced from 75 Gold, 25 Food to 35 Gold, 15 Food. Research time reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.\n {\n items: [\"units/horseman\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Early Horseman (I) to Horseman (II) upgrade cost reduced from 75 Gold, 25 Food to 35 Gold, 15 Food.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Early Horseman (I) to Horseman (II) research time reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/man-at-arms\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Vanguard Man-at-Arms (I) to Early Mant-at-Arms (II) upgrade cost reduced from 75 Gold, 25 Food to 35 Gold, 15 Food.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Vanguard Man-at-Arms (I) to Early Mant-at-Arms (II) research time reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/spearman\"],\n civs: [\"ab\", \"ch\", \"de\", \"fr\", \"hr\", \"mo\", \"ru\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Early Spearman (I) to Spearman (II) upgrade cost reduced from 75 Gold, 25 Food to 35 Gold, 15 Food.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Early Spearman (I) to Spearman (II) research time reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Buildings\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Defenses No longer favor Rams as a target.\n // > When defending a Ram push, defenses will get stuck attacking Rams since they do so little damage. It’s possible to force defenses to attack other targets manually but we want to give defenders more breathing space to focus on managing more interesting elements of combat.\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\", \"buildings/capital-town-center\", \"buildings/keep\", \"buildings/outpost\", \"units/battering-ram\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Defenses no longer favor Rams as a target.\"]],\n note: \"When defending a Ram push, defenses will get stuck attacking Rams since they do so little damage. It’s possible to force defenses to attack other targets manually but we want to give defenders more breathing space to focus on managing more interesting elements of combat.\",\n },\n {\n // * Town Center Default weapon attack interval increased from 1.12 to 1.88.\n // * Town Center Garrison arrow attack interval increased from 1.12 to 1.88.\n // * Town Center Garrison slots reduced from 20 to 15.\n // > This change in combination with the change to prevent defenses from prioritizing attacking Rams helps to even out the defender advantage. We want pushes in the Feudal Age to be more viable at punishing heavy greed strategies.\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\", \"buildings/capital-town-center\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Default weapon attack interval increased from 1.12 to 1.88.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Garrison arrow attack interval increased from 1.12 to 1.88.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Garrison slots reduced from 20 to 15.\"],\n ],\n note: \"This change in combination with the change to prevent defenses from prioritizing attacking Rams helps to even out the defender advantage. We want pushes in the Feudal Age to be more viable at punishing heavy greed strategies.\",\n },\n {\n // * Outpost Health reduced from 1000 to 750.\n // * Outpost Build time increased from 45 to 60 seconds.\n // * Outpost garrison attack interval increased from 1.12 to 1.88.\n // > Tower Rushing has been a consistently strong strategy for a long while and our changes to Towers are to make it more difficult to place them offensively. Now they take longer to build and have less health it should give defenders a larger window for counter play.\n items: [\"buildings/outpost\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 1000 to 750.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Build time increased from 45 to 60 seconds.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Garrison attack interval increased from 1.12 to 1.88.\"],\n ],\n note: \"Tower Rushing has been a consistently strong strategy for a long while and our changes to Towers are to make it more difficult to place them offensively. Now they take longer to build and have less health it should give defenders a larger window for counter play.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // ### Delhi Sultanate\n // * Tower War Elephant Health reduced from 860 to 600.\n // * Tower War Elephant Ranged armor increased from 4 to 7.\n subtitle: \"Delhi Sultanate\",\n civs: [\"de\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/tower-elephant\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 860 to 600.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Ranged armor increased from 4 to 7.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // ### French\n // * Town Center production speed bonus in Feudal decreased from 15% to 10%, and Castle Age from 20% to 15%. Dark Age (10%) and Imperial Age (20%) remain the same.\n // > Our data shows that the French are exceptionally strong around the 10-20 minute range, so this slight nerf to their Town Center bonus is aimed at addressing their run-away economy in the early stages of the game. (Known Issue: Help text currently reflects old values.)\n subtitle: \"French\",\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"nerf\",\n \"Production speed bonus in Feudal decreased from 15% to 10%, and Castle Age from 20% to 15%. Dark Age (10%) and Imperial Age (20%) remain the same.\",\n ],\n ],\n note: \"Our data shows that the French are exceptionally strong around the 10-20 minute range, so this slight nerf to their Town Center bonus is aimed at addressing their run-away economy in the early stages of the game. (Known Issue: Help text currently reflects old values.)\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // ### Holy Roman Empire\n subtitle: \"Holy Roman Empire\",\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * HRE Emergency Repairs cooldown increased from 60 to 75.\n // > In combination with this change, we feel that the Town Center changes and the ram changes should make the HRE fast tech strategy much riskier and will make punishing greedy HRE players much easier than before.\n\n items: [],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Emergency Repairs cooldown increased from 60 to 75.\"]],\n note: \"In combination with this change, we feel that the Town Center changes and the ram changes should make the HRE fast tech strategy much riskier and will make punishing greedy HRE players much easier than before.\",\n },\n {\n // * Prelate Inspiration Ability now respects cooldown time.\n // > Prelates, like life, have found a way to exploit their shiny new Attack move behavior. We have ensured they respect the cooldown of the Inspiration ability correctly.\n items: [\"units/prelate\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Prelate Inspiration Ability now respects cooldown time.\"]],\n note: \"Prelates, like life, have found a way to exploit their shiny new Attack move behavior. We have ensured they respect the cooldown of the Inspiration ability correctly.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // ### Mongols\n // * Mongols now begin the game with a packed Ger.\n subtitle: \"Mongols\",\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/ger\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Mongols now begin the game with a packed Ger.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n {\n title: \"Maps\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `## Altai\n * The gold generation locations on Altai have been given a pass after seeing instances of both large and small gold spawns favoring one player. Now, to ensure that both starting small gold deposits don’t spawn forward for one player, the far starting gold deposit has been moved to the Accessible resources distribution and will spawn behind the player in a safer location. Additionally, the large gold deposits have been moved out of Balanced distribution and will now always spawn on the outside lanes, on opposite sides of the Sacred Sites. So, if the Sacred Sites spawn in the northwest and southeast corners, the large gold deposits will spawn in the northeast and southwest corners, ensuring that both players get equal access.\n * Starting large forests should also no longer spawn in between the mountains and the edge of the map, which before could block one of the map lanes. \n * Additionally, fixes for team game spawning (3v3 and 4v4) were put in that now should prevent players from spawning outside the mountain range in larger games.\n \n ## Ancient Spires\n * We’ve put in a check in the Ancient Spires map script to fix an issue where a player’s starting pond could stomp out one of the trade posts. The map should always spawn 2 trade posts on opposing sides of the map.`,\n },\n\n {\n title: \"Bug Fixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `* Horse Archer Incendiary Arrows no longer loose attack speed when they are upgraded. \n * Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking on a match summary and attempting to view the replay immediately after loading the main menu.\n * Fixed a bug whereby it was possible to repair structures even when you don’t have the necessary resources.\n * Villagers will no longer T-pose while reloading after shooting Gaia. `,\n },\n {\n title: \"UI/UX Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `* New icons were created for the Abbasid Market – Toggle Secondary Trade Resource. \n * Post-Match Timeline UI French’s third and fourth Age-up markers will now be displayed properly on Post-Match Timeline UI.\n * Fixed an issue where the “Time To Age IV” column in the post-game Statistics tab under Technology was missing.\n * Player Color Mini-map Changes Adjusted the orange player color so that it’s easier to distinguish it from the red.\n * Updated the black outline thickness of unit icons on the Minimap so that their color stands out more.\n * Wynguard Rangers and Raiders added to the English tech tree.`,\n },\n {\n title: \"What’s on the Horizon\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `### Coming Up…\n In future patches, we’ll be addressing other issues like Shift interfering with Grid Keys under the Grid Key Layout, as well as Shift queuing not resetting after releasing Shift.\n \n Last month, we shared an early view of the Season Three roadmap including key features like Team Ranked, Taunts and Cheats that will launch with our next major update. We’ve heard since that some of you would like to hear an update on Naval Balance! Significant balance changes like this require time and a number of different steps and teams acting in unison. In short, it’s a bigger change than you’d expect, which touches balance, gameplay and our presentation team. It’s something we have been working on, but it’s something that needs to be presented in a completed package, so these are changes you might see in our Season Three Update.\n \n Here’s some of what we have planned for Naval Balance:\n * Enhanced tactical RPS gameplay – Starting in the Feudal Age you’ll have access to three ships which have strong bonuses against each other, making for exciting tactical engagements.\n * Earlier Engagements – We’re making ships more affordable so expect to have bigger battles that start earlier in the game.\n * Responsiveness tuning – Faster movement speed and more responsive turning of all ships.\n * Reworked Balance – New costs, stats, and enhancements available for all ships!\n * Naval Map Changes – Adding more wood and ensuring fairer distributions of fish, along with many other improvements to Naval maps!`,\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch51148: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-51148\",\n buildId: 51148,\n name: \"Patch 5.1.148\",\n season: 3,\n type: \"patch\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-51148/\",\n summary: \"Buffs to Springald Ships and Malian Cattle and Pit Mines + misc fixes.\",\n introduction: `\"Welcome to our first minor patch of Season Three, Patch 5.1.148! In this patch, we’re making some balance changes to Forest Ponds, Hideout, and Waterholes according to your feedback from our Season Three Public Update Preview, you’ll see some new UI improvements, and you’ll also see better general stability and performance of the game! Thia time, we’re mixing up the Season Three Map Pool, we’re giving some visual updates to the unit healthbar settings, as well as more balance work on the Malian and Ottoman Civilizations. \n\n In addition to all of the above, we’re also taking some time to address some of the feedback we’ve heard from you. Special thanks as well to those of you who filled out our Season Three Survey – your feedback is incredibly helpful to us, so please keep sharing your thoughts!\"\n \n `,\n date: new Date(\"2022-12-01 18:00:00 UTC\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Build Spotlight\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n# In-Game Languages\n* Fixed an issue where the Microsoft Store version of the game would not launch in Hindi and instead launched in English.\n\n# Healthbar Update\nWe’ve been making an on-going effort to improve the visibility of unit selections. Since the Season Three PUP, we introduced fully-opaque white outlines around healthbars when you select your units, and this worked well to boost visibility in general. However, we’ve also heard your feedback that this change can be visually distracting in certain scenarios, so we are now iterating on this design. In Patch 5.1.148, healthbars will have a better balance with a 50% opacity outline and a black inner border for improved contrast.\n\nWhen you toggle the Healthbars Setting to “Always on”:\n * All unit healthbars (owned, allied, enemy units) stay visible in 90% opacity, regardless if units are damaged.\n * Healthbars opacity will increase to 100% when hovered or selected.\n * All selected units will now have a white glow with 50% opacity around their healthbars as opposed to 100%. (same as command card unit cycling effects)\nWhen you toggle the Healthbars Setting to “Smart”:\n * All unit healthbars (owned, allied, enemy units) stay hidden until damaged or selected.\n\n\n\n# Ranked Map Pool Rotation\nYou’ve shared with us your thoughts on the Season Three Map pool, so we’re freshening up the Ranked map pools! We’ll be swapping out some maps that have been in the pool for multiple seasons with some of the brand-new maps that we introduced in the Anniversary Update. We wanted to hit the goal of providing you a good variety of map styles, while diversifying the maps between 1v1 and Team Game queues. As for voting, you’ll still have three votes in the map preference system to prioritize your favorite maps from the map selection.\n\n## 1v1 Ranked Pool\n* Dry Arabia\n* French Pass\n* King of the Hill\n* Lipany\n* Mediterranean\n* Mongolian Heights\n* Prairie\n* The Pit\n* Wetlands\n\n### Team Ranked Pool\n* Altai\n* Black Forest\n* Boulder Bay\n* Dry Arabia\n* Forest Ponds\n* Hideout\n* Hill and Dale\n* The Pit\n* Wetlands\n\n## Caster Mode\n* Resolved a Hotkey conflict between Observer Mode’s “Toggle fog of war” and the global command “Cycle through Villagers gathering Food”. All Cycle villager commands will now be using “Ctrl+Shift+Key” format, and reserving “Ctrl+F” for fog of war only.\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"UX/UI\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: ` \n* Fixed a bug where if the team ranked season ended while you were searching for a team ranked game, then the error message shown to the player would appear multiple times. Now the error message should only appear once.\n* Improved the spacing between the display of the unit name and its tag on the unit card.\n* Fixed an issue where clicking the “Play Again” button in the post match screen sometimes did not remember what civ you had chosen previously.\n* Fixed an issue where your randomly selected civ did not change between consecutive matches.\n* Fixed an issue in Hindi where the unit name was not readable.\n* The clarity of the minimap has been improved when running at resolutions greater than 1080p.\n\n## Hotkeys\n* Fixed an issue where unassigned Hotkeys would still appear in the gameplay HUD.\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Gameplay\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: ` \n## General\n* Monks rallying to garrisonable mosques that contain relics will now garrison instead of retrieving relics.\n* Fixed war elephants, tower elephants, and certain siege units sometimes being unable to garrison into a hold that is near its garrison cap.\n* Fixed a bug that allowed religious units to bypass the cooldown between conversions.\n* Fixed an issue with Delhi Sultanates Mastery 5 Tooltip.\n* Fixed an issue with the Abbasid Mastery “The Path Taken” where not all chosen technologies would complete the mastery.\n\n## AI\n* Fixed an issue where the AI would still desire fishing boats when its naval military is at a large disadvantage.\n> The AI will now deprioritize land units more often when more navy is needed. AI will also deprioritize navy more often when its island is being invaded by land units.\n* Fixed the bug where villagers would remain idle if a deposit was too far away from the drop-off buildings.\n* AI will abandon capturing a sacred site if its base is under attack and is lacking defense.\n* AI will no longer try to build trade ships early in the match.\n* AI villagers will now retaliate against wolves.\n* AI will now focus on gathering more wood at the start of the game to increase naval gameplay, especially on island maps.\n `,\n },\n\n {\n title: \"Balance\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Naval Balance Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Bonus damage vs. Arrow Ships increased from 40 to 45.\n items: [\n \"units/baghlah\",\n \"units/war-junk\",\n \"units/baghlah\",\n \"units/hulk\",\n \"units/hulk\",\n \"units/hulk\",\n \"units/war-canoe\",\n \"units/war-junk\",\n \"units/hulk\",\n \"units/lodya-attack-ship\",\n ],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Bonus damage vs. Arrow Ships increased from 40 to 45.\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Health decreased from 2000 to 1750.\n // * Dock buildings can now be re-targeted to other naval units.\n items: [\"buildings/dock\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Health decreased from 2000 to 1750.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Dock buildings can now be re-targeted to other naval units.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Malians\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Cattle\n\n // Cost reduced from 100 to 75 Gold.\n // Allied player gather rate reduced from 0.9 to 0.66.\n // Added a Cattle Population UI element to display the current number and the population limit. You might also notice a small stylistic element in the screenshot below that will be coming soon!\n // Cattle ui in game for the malian civilization\n items: [],\n title: \"Cattle\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cattle cost reduced from 100 to 75 Gold.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Allied player gather rate reduced from 0.9 to 0.66.\"],\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Added a Cattle Population UI element to display the current number and the population limit. You might also notice a small stylistic element in the screenshot below that will be coming soon!\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Malian Pit Mine\n\n // Increased Gold rate from 30 to 35.\n // Health increased from 1200 to 1500.\n items: [\"buildings/pit-mine\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Increased Gold rate from 30 to 35.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Health increased from 1200 to 1500.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where Malian Transport Ships’ ability to throw javelins when garrisoned was missing from the civilization tech tree and bonuses.\n items: [\"units/transport-ship\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Corrected an issue where Malian Transport Ships’ ability to throw javelins when garrisoned was missing from the civilization tech tree and bonuses.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where Malian markets had reduced penalties for buying and selling resources.\n\n items: [\"buildings/market\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Malian markets had reduced penalties for buying and selling resources.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where the defensive weapon upgrades were not present on the Saharan Trade Network Landmark.\n\n items: [\"buildings/saharan-trade-network\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the defensive weapon upgrades were not present on the Saharan Trade Network Landmark.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where the Military & Technology cost reduction bonus was missing from the tech tree.\n // Ships, Trading, and Landmarks\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n items: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the Military & Technology cost reduction bonus was missing from the tech tree.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Mehter unit will no longer incorrectly apply multiple buffs in certain conditions.\n // Corrected an issue where the Mehter’s Attack Drums were giving more attack speed than intended.\n items: [\"units/mehter\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Mehter unit will no longer incorrectly apply multiple buffs in certain conditions.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the Mehter’s Attack Drums were giving more attack speed than intended.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n items: [\"units/sipahi\"],\n // Corrected an issue where the Sipahi unit’s Fortitude ability would not activate correctly when within a Mehter unit’s Attack Drum aura.\n // Corrected an issue where Sipahi’s Fortitude ability was giving more attack speed than intended.\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the Sipahi unit’s Fortitude ability would not activate correctly when within a Mehter unit’s Attack Drum aura.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Sipahi’s Fortitude ability was giving more attack speed than intended.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Rus\",\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/warrior-monk\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Rus Warrior Monks can no longer be pushed by other units when casting conversion.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Maps\",\n civs: [],\n md: `\n## Forest Ponds\n* The primary large gold deposit has been changed to a small gold deposit.\n* Boars have been pushed further away from the player’s Town Centers.\n* The number of deer per herd has been reduced by two.\n\n## Hideout\n* The number of deer generating around the player’s initial Town Center has decreased.\n* The number of deer in each neutral herd has decreased.\n* The number of neutral deer herds has increased.\n* All neutral stone deposits have been changed to small deposits.\n* The space between all neutral gold deposits has been increased, ultimately decreasing the number of total deposits.\n* Resources near the player’s Town Centers are moved slightly further away.\n* The number of neutral herdable has been reduced.\n\n## Waterholes\n* Neutral resources are clumped up much tighter to decrease the generation distance variance that could result in some players having the resources generate much closer to them.\n* The number of deer on the map has been halved.\n* Schools of fish now generate more evenly in the waterholes.\n `,\n changes: [],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const serverSidePatch51148: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"server-side-patch-51148\",\n buildId: 14681,\n name: \"Server-Side Patch 5.1.148 \",\n season: 3,\n type: \"patch\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-server-side-patch-5-1-148-1/\",\n summary: \"Nerfs to Stone Walls, Cattle, Pastures, Chinese' build speed, Song and Barbican of the Sun.\",\n introduction: `\"To help keep the meta fresh, we're making tweaks to some of the top-performing civilizations. In this patch, you’ll find that it will take more time to build walls and defensive structures, you'll see a few adjustments to the Chinese civilization, and other balance changes to the Malians and Mongol civilizations. Read on to learn more!\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2022-12-08T20:00:00.000Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"General\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // • Stone Wall cost increased from 15 stone to 20 stone.\n // • Developer Note: Stone walls are a very powerful option for shutting down raids. We wanted their cost to more closely match their effect in game.\n items: [\"buildings/stone-wall\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 15 stone to 20 stone.\"]],\n note: \"Stone walls are a very powerful option for shutting down raids. We wanted their cost to more closely match their effect in game.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Chinese\",\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // • Fixed an issue where fortifications were not properly built 50% faster.\n items: [\"buildings/palisade-wall\", \"buildings/palisade-gate\", \"buildings/stone-wall\", \"buildings/stone-gate\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where fortifications were not properly built 50% faster.\"]],\n },\n {\n // • Stone wall build time increased from 8 seconds to 10.5.\n items: [\"buildings/stone-wall\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Build time increased from 8 seconds to 10.5.\"]],\n },\n {\n // • Palisade Walls build increased from 2 seconds to 2.5.\n items: [\"buildings/palisade-wall\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Build time increased from 2 seconds to 2.5.\"]],\n },\n {\n // • Keeps build time increased from 1 minute 45 seconds to 2 minutes.\n items: [\"buildings/keep\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Build time increased from 1 minute 45 seconds to 2 minutes.\"]],\n },\n {\n // • Outposts build time decreased from 45 seconds to 40.\n items: [\"buildings/outpost\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Build time decreased from 45 seconds to 40.\"]],\n },\n {\n // • Song Dynasty Villager bonus changed from 35% reduction in time to a 33% increase to production. speed. This means villagers will build in 15 seconds instead of 13.\n // • Developer Note: As we made Town Centers more difficult to build, this had the unintended effect of making Song Dynasty a relatively stronger economic option with less resource investment.\n items: [\"units/villager\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Song Dynasty Villager production speed changed from 13 seconds to 15 seconds (33% reduction bonus instead of 35%).\"]],\n note: \"As we made Town Centers more difficult to build, this had the unintended effect of making Song Dynasty a relatively stronger economic option with less resource investment.\",\n },\n {\n // • Barbican and Village garrison slots reduced from 10 to 8.\n // • Developer Note: We wanted to allow more counterplay options when attacking a booming or teching China player.\n items: [\"buildings/barbican-of-the-sun\", \"buildings/village\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Garrison slots reduced from 10 to 8.\"]],\n note: \"We wanted to allow more counterplay options when attacking a booming or teching China player.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Malians\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // • Cattle cost increased from 75 gold to 90 gold.\n // • Developer Note: We found that at 75 gold it was so cost efficient that players would completely ignore farms and exclusively eat cows. Cattle are meant as a supplement to farms and not a total replacement.\n items: [],\n title: \"Cattle\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 75 gold to 90 gold.\"]],\n note: \"We found that at 75 gold it was so cost efficient that players would completely ignore farms and exclusively eat cows. Cattle are meant as a supplement to farms and not a total replacement.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Mongols\",\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // . • Pastures Sheep spawn time increased from 120 seconds to 140 seconds.\n // • Developer Note: Pastures are still more cost effective than farms, we just wanted to reduce the delta in power level between these options.\n items: [\"buildings/pasture\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Sheep spawn time increased from 120 seconds to 140 seconds.\"]],\n note: \"Pastures are still more cost effective than farms, we just wanted to reduce the delta in power level between these options.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What’s Next? \",\n civs: [],\n md: `As we prepare to head into the Winter Holiday, we’ve got lots of plans up our sleeves for next year! You can read about some of what’s coming in Season Four in our community roadmap, and we’ll have more news to share with you about the next Public Update Preview (PUP) in January! \n\nJanuary won’t just be PUP-focused, however. We’ll also have a new Season Three event kicking off late in the month! Our team has also heard your feedback on making the Hardest AI more difficult to play against, so you’ll see those adjustments in our next minor patch early next year as well. We hope you’re ready for a challenge -- our Balance Team is already breaking a sweat testing some early concepts of the Hardest AI update!`,\n changes: [],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch61130: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-61130\",\n buildId: 61130,\n name: \"Patch 6.1.130\",\n season: 4,\n type: \"patch\",\n summary: \"Trebuchet changes, reintroduction of Hardest AI. Sofa, Abbasid and French buffs, nerfs to trade, Delhi, Mongols and Ottomans.\",\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-season-four-patch-6-1-130/\",\n introduction: `\"Our Enchanted Grove event comes to a close with the release of Patch 6.1.130. We hope you had an enchanting time in the biome but now both the biome and the Enchanted Stag have trotted off to parts unknown.\n\n In this new patch we have listened to your feedback and reverted the resource-gathering boost which was added to the Hardest AI. Instead, we have added multiple additional new levels of AI difficulty beyond the Hardest setting making use of the boosted resource-gathering in those difficulties. We can’t wait to hear your feedback on the new AI Difficulty levels! There are also improvements to in-game balance, fixes to known issues, and slight tweaks to trade as our team previews some of our larger goals with that mechanic – read more below! Thanks again to our amazing community members, all of whom have helped to make Age of Empires what it is today!\n \n —The Age of Empires Team\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2023-04-04\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"General\",\n changes: [],\n civs: [],\n md: `\n ## Return of Hardest AI & New Difficulty Selections\n Earlier this year, we introduced a new Hardest AI that gathered resources faster and took quicker military action. You let us know that the resource-gathering boost created too much of a step-up in difficulty from Hard to Hardest and indicated that more difficulty options would be preferable. We’re pleased to provide the following updates:\n * We have reverted the resource-gathering boost which we had given to Hardest AI but kept other improvements made in January’s 5.2.131 patch.\n * We have added not 1, not 2, but 3 new AI Difficulty levels beyond the Hardest setting which have been given incremental resource-gathering boosts. The resource-gathering boosts are set at 1.2x, 1.5x and 2x the normal rate We believe these changes provide a better range of opportunities based on the amount of challenge you’re seeking. This will provide new ways of playing with and against the AI allowing for more varied battles and even more fun! \n \n ## Age Insider Rewards\n We’ve unlocked several Insider rewards for all players starting with this update. This is to thank everyone who’s played and given feedback from before launch until now. You will find the Fishing Boat Monument, Insider Portrait, Dual Fish Coat of Arms, and Fishing Net Sigil Frame within your in-game profile options. Thank you for joining us on our journey thus far!\n \n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"General Bug Fixes & Changes\",\n md: `\n * Fishing boats will now always return to the nearest dock. \n* Cancelled building blueprints no longer block future placements. \n* Added additional HUD feedback when building limits have been reached for certain buildings or units, for example the Ottoman’s Military School and Grand Galley. \n* Fixed an issue to ensure units only display weapons that are currently available to them. Upgraded weapons are shown when upgraded, the basic version is hidden after upgrading. \n* Fixed issue where some Cheats not intended for Campaign were usable in campaign missions and potentially breaking them. \n* Fixed some Masteries and Achievements to make sure playing with new AI Difficulties would still allow for completion. – Fixed an issue with Training Mastery that would not progress for some players and added Art of War challenges for Ottoman and Malians.\n`,\n changes: [],\n civs: [],\n },\n {\n title: \"Balance Changes\",\n changes: [],\n civs: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"General\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Trader income reduced by 10%\n // > Developer’s Note: This balance change is a stepping stone on our way to bigger changes to the trade system. Thanks to everyone for all the feedback and discussion on the topic. We are listening and have future plans for additional improvements.\n items: [\"units/trader\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Trader income reduced by 10%\"]],\n note: \"This balance change is a stepping stone on our way to bigger changes to the trade system. Thanks to everyone for all the feedback and discussion on the topic. We are listening and have future plans for additional improvements.\",\n },\n {\n // * Trebuchet Changes\n // \t* Counter-weight Trebuchet\n // \t* Cost reduced from 500 wood 250 gold to 400 wood 150 gold\n // \t* Health reduced from 210 to 170\n // \t* Damage reduced from 50 to 40\n // \t* Bonus damage vs buildings reduced from 450 to 375.\n // \t* Build time reduced from 35 seconds to 30 seconds\n items: [\"units/counterweight-trebuchet\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 500 wood 250 gold to 400 wood 150 gold\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 210 to 170\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Damage reduced from 50 to 40\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Bonus damage vs buildings reduced from 450 to 375.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Build time reduced from 35 seconds to 30 seconds\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // * Mongol Traction Trebuchet\n // \t* Cost reduced from 400 wood 150 gold to 300 wood 100 gold\n // \t* Health reduced from 190 to 150\n // \t* Damage reduced from 50 to 40\n // \t* Bonus damage vs. buildings reduced from 250 to 200\n // \t* Build time reduced from 35 seconds to 30 seconds\n items: [\"units/traction-trebuchet\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 400 wood 150 gold to 300 wood 100 gold\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 190 to 150\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Damage reduced from 50 to 40\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Bonus damage vs. buildings reduced from 250 to 200\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Build time reduced from 35 seconds to 30 seconds\"],\n ],\n // > Developer’s Note: Our goal with the trebuchet changes are to allow players to react more easily & quickly to enemy structures by reducing the initial investment cost. It does make trebuchets less population efficient in the late game, however, with the recent update we buffed rams and bombards in the late-game to provide different options.\n note: \"Our goal with the trebuchet changes are to allow players to react more easily & quickly to enemy structures by reducing the initial investment cost. It does make trebuchets less population efficient in the late game, however, with the recent update we buffed rams and bombards in the late-game to provide different options.\",\n },\n {\n // * Cannon Emplacement Upgrade cost increased from 75 gold 300 stone to 125 gold 375 stone\n items: [\"technologies/cannon-emplacement\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cannon Emplacement Upgrade cost increased from 75 gold 300 stone to 125 gold 375 stone\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Abbasid Dynasty\",\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * House of Wisdom Landmark\n // * Trade Wing\n // * Provides 3/4/5 Traders depending on which Age this wing is selected\n items: [\"technologies/trade-wing\", \"buildings/house-of-wisdom\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Trade Wing now provides 3 (Feudal), 4 (Castle) or 5 (Imperial) Traders depending on which Age this wing is selected\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Military Wing\n // * Provides another Archer in the Feudal Age Total 2 Spearman and 2 Archers\n items: [\"technologies/military-wing\", \"buildings/house-of-wisdom\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Military Wing now provides another Archer in the Feudal Age, totaling 2 Spearmen and 2 Archers\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Culture Wing\n // * Preservation of Knowledge cost reduced from 50 wood 125 gold to 25 wood 75 gold\n\n items: [\"technologies/preservation-of-knowledge\", \"buildings/house-of-wisdom\", \"technologies/culture-wing\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Preservation of Knowledge cost reduced from 50 wood 125 gold to 25 wood 75 gold\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Chinese\",\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Fixed a bug where Chinese Palisade Walls were not being built 50% faster than other Civilizations.\n items: [\"buildings/palisade-wall\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed a bug where Chinese Palisade Walls were not being built 50% faster than other Civilizations.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Delhi Sultanate\",\n civs: [\"de\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Compound of the Defender Landmark’s discount on Stone for buildings and emplacements reduced from 25% to 20%\n items: [\"buildings/compound-of-the-defender\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Compound of the Defender Landmark’s discount on Stone for buildings and emplacements reduced from 25% to 20%\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Village Fortresses Technology research time increased from 5 to 6 minutes\n items: [\"technologies/village-fortresses\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Research time increased from 5 to 6 minutes\"]],\n },\n {\n // * When using Seek Shelter as the Delhi Sultanate, Villagers will no longer stand idle next to Houses before researching the Reinforced Foundations technology.\n items: [\"technologies/reinforced-foundations\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"When using Seek Shelter as the Delhi Sultanate, Villagers will no longer stand idle next to Houses before researching the Reinforced Foundations technology.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n {\n // * Fishing Ships are no longer selected with Military selection hotkeys.\n items: [\"units/fishing-boat\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fishing Ships are no longer selected with Military selection hotkeys.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"English\",\n civs: [\"en\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Network of Citadels Technology cost increased from 75 stone 200 gold to 150 stone 350 gold\n items: [\"technologies/network-of-citadels\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 75 stone 200 gold to 150 stone 350 gold\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Wynguard Footmen now take bonus damage from “vs Heavy” attack types.\n items: [\"units/wynguard-footman\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Wynguard Footmen now correctly take bonus damage from “vs Heavy” attack types.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"French\",\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Civilization Bonus: Town Center production rate bonus increased from 10/10/15/20% to 10/15/20/25%\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\"],\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Town Center production rate bonus increased from 10/10/15/20% to 10/15/20/25%\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Royal Knights now correctly deal damage on their next attack after charging.\n items: [\"units/royal-knight\"],\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Royal Knights now correctly deal damage on their first attack after charging.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Malians\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Sofa train time reduced from 30 to 26 seconds ## Developer’s Note: This puts Sofa inline with knights in terms of cost and power level per second spent training.\n items: [\"units/sofa\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Train time reduced from 30 to 26 seconds\"]],\n note: \"This puts Sofa inline with knights in terms of cost and power level per second spent training.\",\n },\n {\n // * Malian Age Up keybinds now function correctly.\n items: [],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Malian Age Up keybinds now function correctly.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Mongols\",\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Civilization Bonus: Silk Road resource bonus trade requirements changed from 3/5/7/9 to 5/10/15/20\n items: [\"units/trader\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Silk Road resource bonus trader count requirements changed from 3/5/7/9 to 5/10/15/20\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Kurultai Landmark bonus damage reduced from 25% to 20%\n items: [\"buildings/kurultai\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Kurultai Landmark bonus damage reduced from 25% to 20%\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Civilization Bonus: Blacksmith and University production influence bonus reduced from 25/33/40% to 20/30/40%\n items: [\"buildings/blacksmith\", \"buildings/university\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Blacksmith and University production influence bonus reduced from 25/33/40% to 20/30/40%\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Sea Gate Castle Landmark Trader move speed bonus reduced from 40% to 30% Trader armor bonus reduced from 10 to 8\n items: [\"buildings/sea-gate-castle\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Trader move speed bonus reduced from 40% to 30%\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Trader armor bonus reduced from 10 to 8\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // * The name of the Ottoman Knight has been changed to Lancer.\n items: [\"units/knight\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"The name of the Ottoman Knight has been changed to Lancer.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Map Pool\",\n changes: [],\n civs: [],\n md: `\nThe map pool for Season Four has been updated. The following maps are now available: \n### Solo Ranked\n* Mountain Clearing\n* Dry Arabia\n* Prairie\n* Four Lakes\n* French Pass\n* Hideout\n* High View\n* Lipany\n* Baltic\n\n### Team Ranked\n* Altai\n* Ancient Spires\n* Continental\n* Dry Arabia\n* Prairie\n* Four Lakes\n* Hideout\n* Lipany\n* The Pit`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Coming up\",\n changes: [],\n civs: [],\n md: `\nThere’s still plenty to do in Season Four \n* We’re celebrating our busy villagers who help make the world go round! Join us April 20th through May 18th for our Villager Appreciation Celebration and complete challenges to unlock up to 20 new portraits in-game! Details are coming so look out for more!\n* Season Four has been extended through June 14th, but you can rest assured we’ll keep the fun rolling with Season Five. Some monstrous events are even ready for a return!\n `,\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch71113: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-71113\",\n buildId: 71113,\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-season-five-update-7-1-113/\",\n name: \"Patch 7.1.113\",\n season: 5,\n type: \"patch\",\n summary: \"Nerfs to Keep costs, range and boiling oil. Nerfs to Levy Militia, Rus, Chinese. Buffs for Musofadi Warriors, Sipahi and Delhi Landmarks.\",\n introduction: `\"Plenty of changes are coming with the release of our latest minor patch. The Wild Man and Dragon Turtle have faded back into legend, and we hope you enjoyed the monstrous start to Season Five! Here is a peak at what is included\":\n\n\n* Updates to Ranked Season Rewards! \n* Upcoming seasonal events! \n* Changes to address Queue Dodging & Cheating in Ranked. \n* … plus bug fixes and balance changes. \n\n`,\n\n date: new Date(\"2023-07-20T12:00:00Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Ranked Season Updates\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n\n## Map Pool Change\nSince our Map Monsters have left for the season, they will no longer be appearing on ranked maps. The ranked map pool is otherwise unchanged. Battle your way up the ranked ladder before the season ends on October 23rd at 11:59 pm PDT (Oct 24th at 06:59 UTC)\n\n## Ranked Rewards\nMentioned in both our Season Five release notes, and our follow-up post , progress continues to be made on changing the Ranked Rewards system. Starting with this patch, players should now see the **highest**rank they’ve achieved this season on their profile and on the multiplayer ranked screen.\n\n## Queue Dodging\nWe’ve updated the game servers’ backend to better detect when a player purposefully disconnects from their match. The system should now apply queue dodging cooldown punishments more instantly than previous configurations. Purposefully disconnecting from a Ranked Team or Ranked 1v1 lobby or load screen, as well as any time during Ranked 1v1 matches, will now also count as a loss for the disconnecting player in addition to the cooldown punishment. \nThese changes, in congruence with some of our other changes, should reduce the frequency of queue dodging. We are continuing to monitor this closely and may further tighten queue dodging punishments to be more in-line with other Age titles. \nAdditionally, we remain aware queue dodging is more frequent at the high and low extremes of ELO levels and are continuing our work to address the matchmaking process for these extremes, to further reduce the frequency of queue dodging for these players.\n\n## Ranked Cheating\nIn our update kicking off the start of Season 5 (https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-season-five-update-7-0-5861/#ongoing) , we mentioned our continued investigation of cheating on the Ranked ladder, especially in Teams games. Thanks in part to reports sent in from players, we have taken some keys steps to reduce cheating in Ranked.\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Mods\",\n civs: [],\n md: \"* Fixed issue where mod creators on the Windows Store game version were unable to publish newly created mods using and see them on the Mod Publisher page. \",\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n title: \"Gameplay\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n### AI Updates\n* Fixed a rare issue where the AI would build too many Lumber camps on some maps. \n* Fixed a crash bug related to AI trading. \n### UX/UI & Menus\n* Fixed an issue where the user was unable to zoom while in replays when using Caster Mode. \n* When launching the game in Malay or Hindi languages, the Daily Challenges, News Feed and Events will now be in the correct language. \n* Fixed the alignment of the Season Four painting sigil frame, which was off-center. \n* Fixed a bug to ensure that if a player’s communications are set to blocked no one will be able to chat to that player in-game.\n* Thanks in part to players sending in their warning logs, we were able to quickly identify and implement a fix for another set of conditions that were causing a crash on age up for several players. If you continue to encounter crashes, please reach out to Customer Support so that we may investigate.\n### Campaign\n* Fixed a crash that was preventing campaign save files from loading.\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Maps\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n### Prairie \n* Fixed an issue on Prairie where one of the neutral markets would sometime not spawn. \n### Golden Heights \n* Golden Heights now appears in the correct alphabetical order on the map selection list. \n* Fixed an occasional unequal boar distance distribution issue on Golden Heights 1v1. `,\n },\n {\n title: \"Balance & Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"General Changes & Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n md: `\n* Fixed a hitching issue seen when felling trees on certain maps. \n* Fixed a potential crash that was linked to using Voice Chat. \n`,\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Balance & Gameplay Changes for All Civilizations\",\n civs: [],\n\n changes: [\n {\n // Monks will no longer stutter when attack-move healing.\n // Patrolling Monks will no longer heal while patrolling.\n // Developer’s Note: This is an unintentional change that we aim to fix in a future update.\n items: [\"units/monk\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Monks will no longer stutter when attack-move healing.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Patrolling Monks will no longer heal while patrolling.\"],\n ],\n note: \"This is an unintentional change that we aim to fix in a future update.\",\n },\n {\n // Keeps\n // All civilizations’ Keep Stone cost increased from 800 to 900.\n items: [\"buildings/keep\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Stone cost increased from 800 to 900.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Bombard Emplacement range reduced from 10 to 9.5.\n items: [\"buildings/keep\", \"technologies/cannon-emplacement\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cannon Emplacement range reduced from 10 to 9.5.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Boiling Oil range reduced from 2 to 1.5.\n // Boiling Oil damage area changed from a 2.5×1.5 rectangle to a 1 radius circle.\n // Developer Note: Overall keep and bombard emplacements are too effective when comparing their costs to the costs of their counters. Making keeps more expensive means they will be a bit slower to hit the field and thus their positioning will be more important. Boiling oil changes are aimed at overall reducing the area a bit and making the damage area more consistent. In a future update we’re looking at a new visual effect to communicate the area more precisely.\n items: [\"buildings/keep\", \"technologies/boiling-oil\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Boiling Oil range reduced from 2 to 1.5.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Boiling Oil damage area changed from a 2.5×1.5 rectangle to a 1 radius circle.\"],\n ],\n note: \"Overall keep and bombard emplacements are too effective when comparing their costs to the costs of their counters. Making keeps more expensive means they will be a bit slower to hit the field and thus their positioning will be more important. Boiling oil changes are aimed at overall reducing the area a bit and making the damage area more consistent. In a future update we’re looking at a new visual effect to communicate the area more precisely.\",\n },\n {\n // Bombard move speed increased from 0.62 to 0.75.\n // Developer Note: Overall we’ve been seeing a lot of ram play because of their low cost and ease of use, this change is targeted at helping the bombard which has to pack and unpack get into the action faster.\n items: [\"units/bombard\", \"units/great-bombard\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Bombard move speed increased from 0.62 to 0.75.\"]],\n note: \"Overall we’ve been seeing a lot of ram play because of their low cost and ease of use, this change is targeted at helping the bombard which has to pack and unpack get into the action faster.\",\n },\n {\n // Villagers no longer use Bow weapons to attack Boars, they now always use a Spear.\n // Developer Note: This change is aimed at making taking boars more accessible by reducing the micro requirement for fighting them.\n items: [\"units/villager\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Villagers no longer use Bow weapons to attack Boars, they now always use a Spear.\"]],\n note: \"This change is aimed at making taking boars more accessible by reducing the micro requirement for fighting them.\",\n },\n {\n // Selecting an active Trader displays the amount of gold that will be earned at its destination.\n items: [\"units/trader\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Selecting an active Trader displays the amount of gold that will be earned at its destination.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Fixed a bug where previously idle units will move to the position of an enemy they defeated.\n items: [],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed a bug where previously idle units will move to the position of an enemy they defeated.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Fixed an issue where ranged siege units would fail to reposition when too close to an obstruction, such as a Stone Wall, if their target was otherwise within their range. Ranged siege units will now pack-up and reposition to a better angled shot or find another target.\n items: [\"units/mangonel\", \"units/bombard\", \"units/great-bombard\", \"units/springald\", \"units/traction-trebuchet\", \"units/counterweight-trebuchet\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Fixed an issue where ranged siege units would fail to reposition when too close to an obstruction, such as a Stone Wall, if their target was otherwise within their range.\",\n ],\n [\"fix\", \"Ranged siege units will now pack-up and reposition to a better angled shot or find another target.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Abbasid Dynasty\",\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Fresh Foodstuffs Technology cost reduced from 50 food/125 gold to 50 food/75 gold.\n // Developer Note: We like the decision point here of technology vs villager, but reduced the price so the technology payoff time is faster.\n items: [\"technologies/fresh-foodstuffs\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Fresh Foodstuffs Technology cost reduced from 50 food/125 gold to 50 food/75 gold.\"]],\n note: \"We like the decision point here of technology vs villager, but reduced the price so the technology payoff time is faster.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Chinese\",\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Great Wall Landmark\n // Great Wall Gatehouse damage reduced from 15 to 13.\n items: [\"buildings/great-wall-gatehouse\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Great Wall Gatehouse damage reduced from 15 to 13.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Keeps\n // Damage reduced from 50 to 25.\n // Attack speed increased from 3.12 to 1.37.\n items: [\"buildings/keep\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Keeps Handcannon damage reduced from 50 to 25.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Keeps Handcannon attack speed increased from 3.12 to 1.37.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Ancient Techniques Technology gather bonus reduced from 5% to 4%.\n items: [\"technologies/ancient-techniques\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Ancient Techniques Technology gather bonus reduced from 5% to 4%.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Delhi Sultanate\",\n civs: [\"de\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Dome of Faith Landmark\n // No longer has a 50% production speed penalty.\n // Gives a discount of -50 gold instead of –65 gold.\n // Developer Note: We wanted to give the Dome of Faith more tempo with faster train time on Scholars. Additional it generates increased resources per minute while constant training. This is balanced by the fact that the building generally has more idle time than other production buildings as it’s creating a more specialized unit.\n items: [\"buildings/dome-of-the-faith\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"No longer has a 50% production speed penalty.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Monk discount decresed from 65 gold to 50 gold.\"],\n ],\n note: \"We wanted to give the Dome of Faith more tempo with faster train time on Scholars. Additional it generates increased resources per minute while constant training. This is balanced by the fact that the building generally has more idle time than other production buildings as it’s creating a more specialized unit.\",\n },\n {\n // House of Learning Landmark\n // Hearty Rations carry capacity increased from 5 to 10.\n // Hearty Rations research time reduced from 5:00 to 3:45.\n items: [\"buildings/house-of-learning\", \"technologies/hearty-rations\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Hearty Rations carry capacity increased from 5 to 10.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Hearty Rations research time reduced from 5:00 to 3:45.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Tranquil Venue Technology healing increased from 2 to 4 per second.\n items: [\"buildings/house-of-learning\", \"technologies/tranquil-venue\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Tranquil Venue Technology healing increased from 2 to 4 per second.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Malians\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Griot Bara Landmark\n // Siege Festival no longer affects the Springald, Mangonel, and Culverin.\n // Siege Festival help text times corrected to read 60 seconds.\n items: [\"buildings/griot-bara\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Siege Festival no longer affects the Springald, Mangonel, and Culverin.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Siege Festival help text times corrected to read 60 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Musofadi Warrior health increased from 85/105/130 to 90/110/135.\n items: [\"units/musofadi-warrior\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Musofadi Warrior health increased from 85/105/130 to 90/110/135.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Sipahi train speed increased from 24 to 28 seconds.\n items: [\"units/sipahi\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Training time increased from 24 to 28 seconds.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Anatolian Hills Technology mining speed bonus increased from 10% to 15%.\n items: [\"technologies/anatolian-hills\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Mining speed bonus increased from 10% to 15%.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Rus\",\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Kremlin Landmark\n // Levy Militia lifetime reduced from 80 to 65 seconds.\n // Levy Militia automatic torch scaling by Age removed.\n items: [\"buildings/kremlin\", \"units/militia\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Levy Militia lifetime reduced from 80 to 65 seconds.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Levy Militia automatic torch scaling by Age removed.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Fixed a bug where Hunting Cabins built adjacent to no Trees generate negative gold.\n items: [\"buildings/hunting-cabin\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed a bug where Hunting Cabins built adjacent to no Trees generate negative gold.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Boyar’s Fortitude Technology health bonus reduced from +30 to +25.\n items: [\"technologies/boyars-fortitude\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Boyar’s Fortitude Technology health bonus reduced from +30 to +25.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch82218: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-82218\",\n buildId: 82218,\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-8-2-218/\",\n name: \"Patch 8.2.218\",\n season: 5,\n type: \"patch\",\n summary: \"Changes to repair rate, nerfs to Rams and Lightweight Beams, buffs to Bombards and Ribauldequins, HRE, Malians and Mongols + several fixes.\",\n introduction: `\n \n \"Today’s patch (September 26th) packs in a number of changes across the board – introducing balance updates including a rework to the Repair mechanic, stability improvements and preparing for a spooky seasonal event that kicks off next month. We’re also bringing a new map rotation to Ranked Season Five and have plans to extend the season overall (more on that in a bit!).\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2023-09-26T12:00:00Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Ranked Season\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n# New! Seasonal Event – Hallow’s Hearth \nStarting next month, you’ll be able explore a delightfully spooky biome with our latest seasonal event, Hallow’s Hearth. This event features an eerie event-exclusive biome and 10 challenges to overcome for thematic rewards. We hope you have a hauntingly good time!\n> Hallow’s Hearth runs from October 3rd at 10:00 am PT through November 7th at 11:59 pm PT. \n\n## Seasonal Biome: Hallow’s Hearth Biome\n\nA dark and spooky environment with bare earth and sinister-looking trees. The Hallow’s Hearth biome brings a sense of eeriness just beyond the fog of war! This special biome will be available for a limited time throughout the seasonal event. \n\n## Hallow’s Hearth Event\n\n> The “Threatening” event challenge can be completed on any biome despite the in-game text.\n\n## Login Events\nDon’t miss out on these login rewards, available for a limited time only! \n* Cat in a Hat – October 2nd at 10am PT through October 8th at 11:59pm PT \n* Pumpkin Head – October 26th at 10am PT through November 1st at 11:59pm PT \n* Roses – November 2nd at 10am PT through November 7th at 11:59pm PT \n\n# Ranked Season Updates\n\nSeason Five’s Ranked Season will extend from October 23rd to November 13th at 11:59pm PT – enjoy the extra time to climb the ladder. Remember: For the first time Ranked Rewards will be given out based on the highest rank you achieve at any point during the season! \n\n# Map Pool Rotation\nToday’s patch also comes with a full map rotation for Ranked play, and some map-related changes for Unranked Quickmatches! \n\n#### Unranked Quickmatch Changes\n* Hill and Dale and Wetlands have been added to the map pool for Unranked Quickmatch.\n* Unranked map downvotes increased from 5 to 7.\n\n#### 1v1 Ranked Map Pool\n* Altai\n* Danube River\n* Dry Arabia\n* Four Lakes\n* Golden Heights \n* High View \n* Hill and Dale \n* Lipany \n* Prairie \n\n#### Team Ranked Map Pool\n* Dry Arabia \n* Golden Heights \n* Hideout \n* High View \n* Hill and Dale \n* Lipany \n* Prairie \n* The Pit \n* Wetlands \n\n### Queue Dodging \nToday’s build invalidates some common forms of Queue Dodging that exploited the game’s menus and UI. The actions needed to execute these dodges can no longer be performed in-game. \n\n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"Gameplay\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n## Campaign (Console Only)\n* Resolved an issue on console where the Auto Villager creation feature was not working on most campaign missions. \n\n> This issue is still occurring in two missions: “1105, The Fall of Bayeux” within The Normans Campaign and “1514, Moscow versus Lithuania” within The Rise of Moscow. These will be addressed in future updates.* \n\n## Mods & Content Editor\n* Modded Win conditions no longer crash when they contain a starting building replacement that replaces the starting building with no building. \n\n## UX/UI & Menus (All Platforms) \n* Fixed an issue where some post-game ranked information text was cut off in certain regions. \n\n## PC UX/UI & Menus \n* Options to specify Audio Input/Output devices for Voice Chat have been added to PC platforms. \n\n## Console UX/UI & Menus \n* Map Seeds can now be copy/pasted in Skirmish Lobbies on console while using keyboard and mouse. \n* LT + place rally points will always place a rally point regardless of the building selected or friendly building targeted settings. \n* Fixed an issue where the Palisade Gate was in the wrong position when playing on console with a mouse and keyboard as the English. \n* Double pressing ‘B’ whilst holding LT now deselects all units of the target type. \n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Balance & Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // * Lightweight Beams attack speed bonus reduced from +40% to 20%.\n items: [\"technologies/lightweight-beams\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Attack speed bonus reduced from +40% to 20%. \"]],\n },\n {\n // * Ram train time from Siege Workshops increased from 30 to 40 seconds.\n items: [\"units/battering-ram\", \"units/clocktower-battering-ram\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Train time from Siege Workshops increased from 30 to 40 seconds. \"]],\n note: \"This change is intended to specifically target late game rams. We also have longer-term goals to help scale them better throughout the Ages and ensure that melee units time to kill on Rams is in a good spot at all stages of the game.\",\n },\n {\n // * Bombard cost reduced from 600 Gold/300 Wood to 500 Gold/350 Wood.\n items: [\"units/bombard\", \"units/cannon\", \"units/royal-cannon\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 600 Gold/300 Wood to 500 Gold/350 Wood.\"]],\n },\n {\n // * Removed aim time from Ribauldequins and added to reload time. This makes the unit more responsive while keeping firing speed the same.\n // * Ribauldequin cost reduced from 600 Gold/300 Wood to 500 Gold/350 Wood.\n items: [\"units/ribauldequin\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Removed aim time from Ribauldequins and added to reload time. \"],\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 600 Gold/300 Wood to 500 Gold/350 Wood.\"],\n ],\n note: \"This makes the unit more responsive while keeping firing speed the same.\",\n },\n {\n // * Boiling Oil radius increased from 1 to 1.1 tiles.\n items: [\"technologies/boiling-oil\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Radius increased from 1 to 1.1 tiles.\"]],\n },\n ],\n md: `\n### General Changes & Bugfixes\n* Fixed crash that could occur when packing a Mongol building after Age Up. \n* Fixed an issue that could cause a rare crash when resuming the game from suspend on Xbox consoles. \n* Fixed a crash on Xbox related to fishing ships and the Villager Priority System. \n* On the Xbox console, Fishing Ships are now counted in the Villager Priority System. \n\n### Updates to Repair\n* Base repair rate increased from 20 to 25 health per second. \n* Repair diminishing returns formula adjusted so that repair with 3-10 Villagers is approximately 5% slower overall. \n\n> This change is an overall reduction to repairing with larger numbers of Villagers, our intention here is to specifically target repairs vs Trebuchets so that defenders have a harder time stalling for long periods of time. We didn’t increase Trebuchet damage because our intent is not to increase the base time for a Trebuchet to destroy a Keep.*\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Civilization-Specific Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n\n {\n subtitle: \"Abbasid Dynasty\",\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Corrected issue where Composite Bows was giving larger than intended attack speed bonus. Time between attacks increased from 1.12 to 1.25.\n items: [\"technologies/composite-bows\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Time between attacks increased from 1.12 to 1.25.\"]],\n note: \"Corrected issue where Composite Bows was giving larger than intended attack speed bonus.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Chinese\",\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Supervising a building with multiple Imperial Officials no longer stacks the bonuses. It is currently still possible to have multiple Imperial Officials supervise a building at the same time, but their bonuses will not combine, we intend to entirely prevent multiple supervisors in a future update.\n items: [\"units/imperial-official\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Supervising a building with multiple Imperial Officials no longer stacks the bonuses.\"]],\n note: \"It is currently still possible to have multiple Imperial Officials supervise a building at the same time, but their bonuses will not combine, we intend to entirely prevent multiple supervisors in a future update.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Delhi Sultanate\",\n civs: [\"de\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // The first Madrasa built each game now grants 3 free Scholars upon completion. This includes the Hisar Academy landmark which acts as a Madrasa.\n items: [\"buildings/madrasa\", \"buildings/hisar-academy\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"The first Madrasa built each game now grants 3 free Scholars upon completion.\"]],\n note: \"This includes the Hisar Academy landmark which acts as a Madrasa.\",\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"French\",\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Red Palace Landmark Arbalests granted to Town Centers and Keeps range reduced from 10 to 9.5.\n items: [\"buildings/red-palace\"],\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Arbalests granted to Town Centers and Keeps range reduced from 10 to 9.5.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Holy Roman Empire\",\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Meinwerk Palace (II) Landmark\n // Riveted Chain Mail technology cost reduced from 45 Food/105 Gold to 30 Food/75 Gold.\n items: [\"technologies/riveted-chain-mail\"],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 45 Food/105 Gold to 30 Food/75 Gold (Meinwerk bonus included).\"]],\n },\n {\n // Steel Barding technology cost reduced from 120 Food/300 Gold to 90 Food/210 Gold.\n items: [\"technologies/steel-barding\"],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 120 Food/300 Gold to 90 Food/210 Gold.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Landsknecht health increased from 80/95 to 85/100.\n items: [\"units/landsknecht\"],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Health increased from 80/95 to 85/100.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Malians\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n changes: [\n {\n //Musofadi Stealth duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds.\n // Musofadi Stealth ability cooldown reduced from 60 to 30 seconds.\n items: [\"units/musofadi-warrior\", \"units/musofadi-gunner\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Stealth duration increased from 20 to 30 seconds.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Stealth ability cooldown reduced from 60 to 30 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Precision Training technology increase to javelin damage increased from 2 to 3.\n items: [\"technologies/precision-training\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Increase to javelin damage increased from 2 to 3.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Mongols\",\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // New technology: Pax Mongolica\n // 350 Gold/150 Stone.\n // Outposts gain +3 fire armor and +30% HP (incorrect, it's 750+300 hp). Outpost changed to Stone Outpost visual.\n // Available at the Ovoo in Imperial Age.\n items: [\"technologies/pax-mongolica\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"New technology: Outposts gain +3 fire armor and +300 HP.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Costs 700 Gold/300 Stone.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Outpost changed to Stone Outpost visual.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Available at the Ovoo in Imperial Age.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Steppe Lancer upgrade moved from Imperial Age to Castle Age. Improved Steppe Lancers upgrade remains in the Imperial Age.\n items: [\"technologies/steppe-lancers\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Steppe Lancer upgrade moved from Imperial Age to Castle Age.\"]],\n note: \"Improved Steppe Lancers upgrade remains in the Imperial Age.\",\n },\n {\n // Double Villager production cost reduced from 150 to 125 Stone.\n items: [\"units/villager\", \"buildings/town-center\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Double Villager production cost reduced from 150 to 125 Stone.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Istanbul Observatory Landmark production speed bonus increased from 60% to 100%.\n items: [\"buildings/istanbul-observatory\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Production speed bonus increased from 60% to 100%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Sipahi train time increased from 28 to 30 seconds.\n // Developer’s Note: This change fixes an issue where the Sipahi provides more resources per minute, compared to other units, when trained from Military Schools.\n items: [\"units/sipahi\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Train time increased from 28 to 30 seconds.\"]],\n note: \"This change fixes an issue where the Sipahi provides more resources per minute, compared to other units, when trained from Military Schools.\",\n },\n {\n // Great Bombard changes:\n // Cost reduced from 900 Gold/450 Wood to 800 Gold/450 Wood.\n // Population reduced from 4 to 3.\n // Attack speed increased from 7.75 to 7.0.\n items: [\"units/great-bombard\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 900 Gold/450 Wood to 800 Gold/450 Wood.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Population reduced from 4 to 3.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Attack speed increased from 7.75 to 7.0.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Great Bombard Emplacement cost reduced from 250 Gold/500 Stone to 250 Gold/400 Stone.\n items: [\"technologies/great-bombard-emplacement\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 250 Gold/500 Stone to 250 Gold/400 Stone.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Rus\",\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Rus Scouts’ line of sight reduced by 1 tile to be normalized with all other civilizations.\n items: [\"units/scout\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Line of sight reduced by 1 tile to be normalized with all other civilizations.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Kremlin changes:\n // Castle Age Kremlin Militia health reduced from 125 to 115.\n // Castle Age Kremlin Militia damage reduced from 12 to 10.\n // Militia cost increased from 40 to 55 Food per ticket.\n items: [\"buildings/kremlin\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Castle Age Kremlin Militia health reduced from 125 to 115.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Castle Age Kremlin Militia damage reduced from 12 to 10.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Militia cost increased from 40 to 55 Food per ticket.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Ongoing\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ### Known Issues\n * Loading Campaign Save Gives Popup Warning About Mods \n > We are aware that loading into a Campaign save file that was created before the current patch causes a popup warning indicating that the save file uses out-of-date mods. This is an erroneous error message and can be clicked through to ignore. We do not require any further reports of this issue. \n \n * Hallow’s Hearth Event Challenge “Threatening” Can be Triggered on Any Biome \n > We are aware that the event challenge “Threatening” for Hallow’s Hearth can be triggered on any biome, despite the in-game text saying it has to be the Hallow’s Hearth biome. This issue will not be fixed before the event’s end. \n \n ### Investigation\n Community-Reported Issues:\n Your reports continue being crucial to our prioritization and implementation of fixes and features in the game. Keep them coming!\n [Forum](https://forums.ageofempires.com/)\n For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked:\n [Known Issues & Solutions](https://support.ageofempires.com/hc/articles/360051018451)\n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"What's on the Horizon\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n\n# The Sultans Ascend Expansion\nLead powerful forces in defense of your homeland in The Sultans Ascend – the exciting new expansion to Age of Empires IV. Experience a brand-new campaign set in the Middle East, or command new armies with the Japanese and Byzantines. \n\n* 2 New Civilizations \n* 4 New Variant Civilizations \n* New “The Sultans Ascend” Campaign \n* 10 New Maps \n* 2 New Biomes \n\n> Pre-order now and join the ranks of legends. Your empire awaits! Coming November 14th! \n[Pre-Order](https://www.ageofempires.com/buy-now/#AoE-IV-DLC)\n\n### November Update\nPaired with the release of our upcoming expansion, there will be a major update coming on November 14th. This update will also mark the start of Season Six, with the Ranked Season beginning the next day on the 15th. Stay tuned for all the new and exciting things coming to Age of Empires IV! \n`,\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch91370: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-91370\",\n buildId: 91370,\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-9-1-370/\",\n name: \"Patch 9.1.370\",\n season: 6,\n type: \"patch\",\n summary: \"Balance changes to the new civilizations and landmarks, including the Floating Gate, Bazaar Trade Wing and Imperial Hippodrome\",\n introduction: `\n \n\"The festive season is in the air in Age of Empires IV with today's minor patch (December 6th) -- join in the fun with our upcoming Tons o' Toys seasonal event, chill out in our seasonal Winter biome, or bring the heat to your opponent with the updates to the new civilizations introduced in our recent expansion! Changes introduced today include:\n\n- Stability fixes for campaign and multiplayer.\n- Additional fixes to improve server latency, meant to pair with improvements made in recent server maintenances.\n- Adjustments to several maps.\n- Several corrections to localization.\n- A new official mod: Free Camera.\n- Balance changes focused around the Japanese and Byzantines, as well as the variant civilizations.\n- ...plus bug fixes and further balance improvements.\n\nRead more below.\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2023-12-06T18:00:00Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Seasonal Event: Tons o’ Toys\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n Stay frosty this winter season with our Tons o' Toys seasonal event! Complete these cool challenges to unlock a flurry of in-game rewards. Unwrap these presents while you can! Tons o' Toys runs from 10:00am PT on Dec 12th (UTC) through 11:59pm PT on Jan 11th, 2024 (UTC).\n\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Build Spotlight\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n## Stability Fixes\nA number of compounding events led to server issues reported on November 18th and 19th. Since then, we’ve taken several steps to improve server latency and stability, including the previously communicated server maintenance windows on November 23rd and 29th. This patch also includes some game-side fixes meant to act in tandem with improvements already made to the server. Thank you all for the reports during this time. \n\n## Map Adjustments\nOur most recent major update introduced 3 new maps, while our expansion added an additional 10. Several balance changes and bug fixes have been made to some of these and existing maps, detailed in Maps section further on. \n\n## Localization\nSeveral players have noted that some of the translations in our expansion were inconsistent with the quality of localization for Age of Empires IV. Thanks to community reporting, we have identified some of these mistranslations and today’s patch fixes many of them, especially with our Chinese localizations. \n\nWe welcome further input and discussion on the Age Forums, where our community heroes have already been hard at work. Thank you! \n\n## New Official Mod: Free Camera\nBy popular request, we are introducing a new official mod to allow creators to freely move the camera for taking videos and screenshots. The “Free Camera” mod unlocks the camera from its default constraints and allows movement around without limit. \n\n## Balance Changes\nWith the introduction of 2 new civilizations and 4 variant civilizations, most of today’s balance changes are focused on the impact these new additions have had on recent gameplay and as such there are more balance changes than typical for our minor patches. You can read more about these in the Civilization-Specific Changes section below. \n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Gameplay\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n### AI Updates\n\n- Fixed issue that prevented AI armies from merging with reinforcements. The AI now forms bigger armies and is less likely to abandon half its units in a fight. \n- Zhu Xi's Legacy AI players will now take advantage of the abilities provided by the Temple of the Sun Landmark. \n- AI player's Scouts will not drop sheep off at docks on naval maps anymore. \n- AI no longer uses half its army as trebuchet hype team that idly watches while the trebuchet tries its hardest to hit a moving target. AI now only uses a handful of units to guard its siege and the rest of the army continues to fight. \n\n### Art of War\n\n- Fixed a Fatal Scar error that could occur during the Art of War mission *Late Siege*. \n\n### Campaign\n\n- Fixed a crash that could occur while loading into the tutorial. \n\n> This change has reset Dynamic Training Hints for all players.\n\n- Fixed a crash that could occur on the mission *The Battle of Mansurah* in *The Sultans Ascend* campaign if the player survived for 40 minutes on hard mode. \n- Fixed a Fatal Scar error that could occur during the missions *Defense of Tyre* and *Raiders of the Red Sea* in *The Sultans Ascend* campaign. \n- Fixed an error that could occur in the mission *Mansurah *in *The Sultans Ascend* campaign when the player killed enemy units engaged in idle activities. \n- Fixed a rare error in the mission *Raiders of the Red Sea* in *The Sultans Ascend* campaign that could occur when destroying enemy fleets when you didn't have any docks. \n\n### Quickmatch\n\n- Fixed an issue which prevented players from joining the Quickmatch queue due to their map downvote selections resetting when too many maps were selected. Players may now downvote the intended number of maps. \n\n### UX/UI & Menus (All Platforms) \n\n- Fixed inconsistent codex naming conventions for new and variant civilizations. \n- Fixed a number of inaccurate localizations in Chinese languages. \n- Fixed several localizations in Spanish languages that cutoff at the first mathematical symbol. \n- The player's scoreboard now displays the player's civilization flag.\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Maps\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## General Map Changes\n\n - Fixed crash when trying to save/load a game while having save games from modded maps. \n - Fixed a rare issue where neutral large gold deposits would spawn next to the player's base on small sized Dry Arabia and Forts maps. \n \n > We are tracking similar issues on additional maps.\n \n ## Map-Specific Changes\n \n ### African Waters \n \n - Fixed an issue on African Waters map where large gold deposits failed to spawn on top of the elevated plateau. \n \n ### Archipelago \n \n - Corrected an issue where Random Starting Locations on Archipelago were not randomizing correctly. \n \n ### Baltic \n \n - Sacred sites should no longer spawn next to each other on Baltic. \n \n ### Boulder Bay \n \n - Free for All games on Boulder Bay should no longer split player spawns into 2 groups as if it was a team vs team configuration. \n \n ### Canal \n \n - Town Centers on Canal should no longer spawn submerged within the river's waters. \n \n ### Glade\n \n - Units can no longer pass between sparse wood lines in Glade on large and gigantic maps. \n \n ### Golden Pit \n \n - Fixed a rare issue on Golden Pit where large gold deposits were not spawning inside the pit. \n - Removed Neutral Trade Post from Golden Pit and repositioned Sacred Sites to the outskirts of the pit. \n \n ### Rocky River \n \n - On Rocky River, 5 Berries spawn per player in a more contested and balanced way, and 2 Fish spawn per pond instead of 4. \n \n ### Thickets \n \n - Fixed an issue on Thickets map where stone deposits could spawn too close to wood lines, preventing Ovoo placement for Mongols players. \n - Reduced Sacred Sites from 3 to 2 on Thickets, changed secondary site to spawn contested between the players.\n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"Balance & Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"General Changes & Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Trader production time increased from 25 seconds to 30 seconds.\n items: [\"units/trader\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Production time increased from 25 seconds to 30 seconds.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Fixed an issue where relics could be duplicated using transport ships.\n items: [\"units/transport-ship\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Relics can no longer be duplicated using transport ships.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Walls no longer generate gap fillers in the space between the wall and individual trees. Walls will continue to generate gap fillers against dense forests.\n items: [\"buildings/palisade-wall\", \"buildings/stone-wall\", \"buildings/fortified-palisade-wall\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Walls no longer generate gap fillers in the space between the wall and individual trees. Walls will continue to generate gap fillers against dense forests.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Fixed an issue where gates could be built overlapping enemy walls, allowing units to pass through.\n items: [\"buildings/stone-wall-gate\", \"buildings/palisade-gate\", \"buildings/fortified-palisade-gate\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where gates could be built overlapping enemy walls, allowing units to pass through.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Fixed some buildings with upgrades having the wrong appearance in fog of war after being destroyed.\n // Fixed crash that could occur when issuing or cancelling a lot of commands at once.\n items: [],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed some buildings with upgrades having the wrong appearance in fog of war after being destroyed.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed crash that could occur when issuing or cancelling a lot of commands at once.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Siege Updates (All Civilizations)\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Trebuchet\n // Counterweight Trebuchet attack speed improved from 12.625 to 11.375.\n items: [\"units/counterweight-trebuchet\", \"units/clocktower-counterweight-trebuchet\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Attack speed improved from 12.625 to 11.375.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Mongols’ Traction Trebuchet attack speed improved from 9.625 to 8.625.\n items: [\"units/traction-trebuchet\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Attack speed improved from 9.625 to 8.625.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Culverin ranged armor reduced from 20 to 10.\n items: [\"units/culverin\", \"units/royal-culverin\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Ranged armor reduced from 20 to 10.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Springald ranged armor reduced from 20 to 10.\n items: [\"units/springald\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Ranged armor reduced from 20 to 10.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Civilization-Specific Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Abbasid Dynasty\",\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // House of Wisdom\n // Corrected an issue where Traders would not spawn when using Trade Wing to go to the Feudal Age.\n items: [\"buildings/house-of-wisdom\", \"technologies/trade-wing\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Traders would not spawn when using Trade Wing to go to the Feudal Age.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Byzantines\",\n civs: [\"by\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Starting Stone increased from 50 to 100.\n items: [],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Starting Stone increased from 50 to 100.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Imperial Hippodrome Landmark\n // Starting Triumph supply points reduced from 30 to 10.\n // Triumph ability duration reduced from 1.5 seconds per supply point to 1 second per supply point.\n // The maximum number of Triumph points increased from 40 to 45\n items: [\"buildings/imperial-hippodrome\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Starting Triumph supply points reduced from 30 to 10.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Triumph ability duration reduced from 1.5 seconds per supply point to 1 second per supply point.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"The maximum number of Triumph points increased from 40 to 45.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Greek Fire Projectiles technology no longer applies to non-Trebuchet units.\n items: [\"technologies/greek-fire-projectiles\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Greek Fire Projectiles technology no longer applies to non-Trebuchet units.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Cataphracts\n // Health reduced from 425 to 405 in the Imperial Age\n items: [\"units/cataphract\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 425 to 405 in the Imperial Age.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Numeri Technology\n // Reduced the amount of increased damage taken by trample targets from 25% to 15%.\n // Charging units will no longer be stopped if they charge through a Cheirosiphon’s fire.\n items: [\"technologies/numeri\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Reduced the amount of increased damage taken by trample targets from 25% to 15%.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Charging units will no longer be stopped if they charge through a Cheirosiphon’s fire.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where resources per minute would not appear on Byzantines Religious Buildings with Relics garrisoned.\n items: [\"buildings/grand-winery\", \"buildings/monastery\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where resources per minute would not appear on Byzantines Religious Buildings with Relics garrisoned.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Fixed an issue where the Byzantines trader was generating more olive oil than intended, it is now 20% like the description states.\n // Fixed an issue where the Byzantines military production modifier from Cisterns was incorrectly applying to Traders.\n items: [\"units/trader\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where the Byzantines trader was generating more olive oil than intended, it is now 20% like the description states.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where the Byzantines military production modifier from Cisterns was incorrectly applying to Traders.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // The cheat “smorgasbord” now grants oil to Byzantines players.\n items: [],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"The cheat “smorgasbord” now grants oil to Byzantines players.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"French\",\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n //Guild Hall Landmark’s Stone generation rate reduced by 50%.\n items: [\"buildings/guild-hall\"],\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Guild Hall Landmark’s Stone generation rate reduced by 50%.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Japanese\",\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Koka Township Landmark – Shinobi\n // When using the Shunshin ability to teleport, it is no longer possible for the Shinobi to teleport to the center of the map.\n // The Shunshin ability can now be used to teleport on top of stone walls. Targeting a stone wall directly no longer teleports the unit to the other side of the wall.\n\n items: [\"units/shinobi\", \"buildings/koka-township\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"When using the Shunshin ability to teleport, it is no longer possible for the Shinobi to teleport to the center of the map.\"],\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"The Shunshin ability can now be used to teleport on top of stone walls. Targeting a stone wall directly no longer teleports the unit to the other side of the wall.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Kura Storehouse Landmark\n // Garrison slots reduced from 8 to 4.\n // Farm spawn frequency reduced from every 45 seconds to every 50 seconds.\n items: [\"buildings/kura-storehouse\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Garrison slots reduced from 8 to 4.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Farm spawn frequency reduced from every 45 seconds to every 50 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Floating Gate Landmark\n // Yorishiro (Sacred Objects) no longer spawn on the ground and cannot be dropped. If a Shinto Priest holding a Yorishiro dies, the Yorishiro is destroyed.\n // Upon Completion of the Floating Gate, a Shinto Priest holding a Yorishiro is instantly trained.\n // All future Yorishio are held by a Shinto Priest when they are trained.\n // The Floating Gate now has a rally point, setting the rally point to a valid building will allow a trained Shinto Priest to deposit Yorishiro automatically. It is possible to rally point to multiple buildings to queue Yorishiro placement by subsequent Shinto Priests.\n // After depositing a Yorishiro the Shinto Priest remains available to use as a regular unit.\n // A progress bar above the Floating Gate is now visible to indicate when the next Shinto Priest will be trained.\n // Buildings containing a deposited Yorishiro now also display a floating golden ink scroll icon above them.\n // A maximum of 4 Yorishiro can exist at any one time, per player. When you own 4 Yorishiro, the Floating Gate will pause production of new Shinto Priests.\n // If a building or Shinto Priest with a Yorishiro is destroyed, the Floating Gate will resume production of Shinto Priests.\n // The Shinto Priest production time has been reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.\n // Place Yorishiro tooltip has been improved to more clearly display the available bonuses from depositing into various buildings.\n items: [\"buildings/floating-gate\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"nerf\",\n \"Yorishiro (Sacred Objects) no longer spawn on the ground and cannot be dropped. If a Shinto Priest holding a Yorishiro dies, the Yorishiro is destroyed.\",\n ],\n [\"nerf\", \"Upon Completion of the Floating Gate, a Shinto Priest holding a Yorishiro is instantly trained.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"All future Yorishio are held by a Shinto Priest when they are trained.\"],\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"The Floating Gate now has a rally point, setting the rally point to a valid building will allow a trained Shinto Priest to deposit Yorishiro automatically. It is possible to rally point to multiple buildings to queue Yorishiro placement by subsequent Shinto Priests.\",\n ],\n [\"fix\", \"After depositing a Yorishiro the Shinto Priest remains available to use as a regular unit.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"A progress bar above the Floating Gate is now visible to indicate when the next Shinto Priest will be trained.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Buildings containing a deposited Yorishiro now also display a floating golden ink scroll icon above them.\"],\n [\n \"nerf\",\n \"A maximum of 4 Yorishiro can exist at any one time, per player. When you own 4 Yorishiro, the Floating Gate will pause production of new Shinto Priests.\",\n ],\n [\"fix\", \"If a building or Shinto Priest with a Yorishiro is destroyed, the Floating Gate will resume production of Shinto Priests.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"The Shinto Priest production time has been reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Place Yorishiro tooltip has been improved to more clearly display the available bonuses from depositing into various buildings.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Castle of the Crow Landmark – Treasure Caravans\n // Fixed an issue where the Treasure Caravans were awarding too few resources on each trade trip when converting between land and sea trader.\n // Treasure Caravans no longer get stuck trying to embark or disembark when they reach the shore.\n items: [\"buildings/castle-of-the-crow\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Fixed an issue where the Treasure Caravans were awarding too few resources on each trade trip when converting between land and sea trader.\",\n ],\n [\"fix\", \"Treasure Caravans no longer get stuck trying to embark or disembark when they reach the shore.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Tanegashima Gunsmith Landmark\n // Starting stockpiles reduced from 5 to 2.\n items: [\"buildings/tanegashima-gunsmith\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Starting stockpiles reduced from 5 to 2.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Ozutsu\n // Ozutsu melee armor reduced from 4 to 0.\n // Ozutsu base damage reduced from 35 to 28\n items: [\"units/ozutsu\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Melee armor reduced from 4 to 0.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Base damage reduced from 35 to 28.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Corrected issue where garrison arrows from Japanese Town Centers had more range than intended.\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected issue where garrison arrows from Japanese Town Centers had more range than intended.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Samurai Bannermen\n // Corrected an issue where a dropped banner aura would stack with Uma Bannermen auras.\n // Torches no longer receive damage increases on the UI from Katana Bannermen and Uma Bannermen.\n items: [\"units/uma-bannerman\", \"units/katana-bannerman\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where a dropped banner aura would stack with Uma Bannermen auras.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Torches no longer receive damage increases on the UI from Katana Bannermen and Uma Bannermen.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Onna-Bugeisha\n // Onna-Bugeisha no longer lose access to field construct Siege Towers when using mixed selection with other infantry.\n // Onna-Bugeisha can now garrison into Transports.\n items: [\"units/onna-bugeisha\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Onna-Bugeisha no longer lose access to field construct Siege Towers when using mixed selection with other infantry.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Onna-Bugeisha can now garrison into Transports.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Flipped the Samurai icon in the Barracks to better distinguish it visually from the Onna-Bugeisha icon next to it in the UI.\n items: [\"units/samurai\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Flipped the Samurai icon in the Barracks to better distinguish it visually from the Onna-Bugeisha icon next to it in the UI.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Malians\",\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Malian Cattle food per minute generation in Ranches reduced from 28 to 25.\n items: [\"buildings/cattle-ranch\"],\n civs: [\"ma\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Food per minute generation in Ranches reduced from 28 to 25.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n {\n //Great Bombard population increased from 3 to 4.\n items: [\"units/great-bombard\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Population increased from 3 to 4.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Variant Civilization Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n The following changes apply only to the Variant versions of the Classic civilizations. Variant civilizations share in many of the changes made to their parent civilization listed above. \"\n `,\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ayyubids\",\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // House of Wisdom\n // Age Up time increased from 105 seconds to 120 seconds.\n items: [\"buildings/house-of-wisdom\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Age Up time increased from 105 seconds to 120 seconds.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Military Wing: Reinforcements\n // Removed initial delay on training Desert Raiders.\n // Fixed an issue on Xbox where field siege units could not be constructed by Cavalry after building the Military Wing: Reinforcements.\n items: [\n \"technologies/feudal-military-wing-reinforcement\",\n \"technologies/castle-military-wing-reinforcement\",\n \"technologies/imperial-military-wing-reinforcement\",\n ],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Removed initial delay on training Desert Raiders.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue on Xbox where field siege units could not be constructed by Cavalry after building the Military Wing: Reinforcements.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Trade Wing: Bazaar\n // Gold cost of each trade increased\n // Feudal: from 125 to 150.\n // Castle: from 325 to 350.\n // Imperial: from 400 to 425.\n // Resource trade values increased\n // Feudal: from 200 to 225\n // Castle: from 600 to 625\n // Imperial: from 1000 to 1025\n // Villager trade option removed.\n // The number of available options per trade cycle reduced from 5 to 4.\n items: [\"technologies/feudal-trade-wing-bazaar\", \"technologies/castle-trade-wing-bazaar\", \"technologies/imperial-trade-wing-bazaar\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Gold cost of each trade increased (Feudal: from 125 to 150, Castle: from 325 to 350, Imperial: from 400 to 425)\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Resource trade values increased (Feudal: from 200 to 225, Castle: from 600 to 625, Imperial: from 1000 to 1025)\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Villager trade option removed.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"The number of available options per trade cycle reduced from 5 to 4.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Culture Wing: Logistics\n // Reduced improved healing from 50% to 30%.\n items: [\"technologies/feudal-culture-wing-logistics\", \"technologies/castle-culture-wing-logistics\", \"technologies/imperial-culture-wing-logistics\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Reduced improved healing from 50% to 30%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Passive Mass Heal granted by the Imperial Age Wing properly benefits from the +30% improved healing.\n items: [\"technologies/imperial-culture-wing-logistics\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Passive Mass Heal granted by the Imperial Age Wing properly benefits from the +30% improved healing.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Dervish HP reduced from 155 to 120\n items: [\"units/dervish\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"HP reduced from 155 to 120.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Tower of the Sultan build time reduced from 240 seconds to 200 seconds.\n items: [\"units/tower-of-the-sultan\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Build time reduced from 240 seconds to 200 seconds.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Infantry Support technology improved from +2/2 armor to +3/3 armor.\n items: [\"technologies/infantry-support\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Improved from +2/2 armor to +3/3 armor.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Tier 4 Golden Age now properly decreases the cost of siege built in the field.\n items: [\"buildings/house-of-wisdom\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Now properly decreases the cost of siege built in the field.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Jeanne d'Arc\",\n civs: [\"je\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Jeanne experience gained from killing Boar reduced from 50 to 25.\n // Jeanne d’Arc Honorable Heart tooltip changed to reflect actual behavior.\n // Reduced the starting experience of Jeanne d’Arc on Empire Wars from 500 to 400.\n items: [\n \"units/jeanne-darc-peasant\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-hunter\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-woman-at-arms\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-mounted-archer\",\n \"units/jeanne-knight\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-markswoman\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-blast-cannon\",\n ],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Experience gained from killing Boar reduced from 50 to 25.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Jeanne d’Arc Honorable Heart tooltip changed to reflect actual behavior.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Reduced the starting experience of Jeanne d’Arc on Empire Wars from 500 to 400.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Jeanne Champions armor reduced from 4/4 to 3/3.\n items: [\"units/jeannes-champion\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Armor reduced from 4/4 to 3/3.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Red Palace Landmark\n // Reduced damage of bonus emplacements on Keeps and Town Centers from 60 to 40 to match French.\n // Bonus emplacement range reduced from 10 to 9.5 to match French.\n items: [\"buildings/red-palace\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Reduced damage of bonus emplacements on Keeps and Town Centers from 60 to 40 to match French.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Bonus emplacement range reduced from 10 to 9.5 to match French.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Guild Hall Landmark’s Stone generation rate reduced by 50% to match French.\n items: [\"buildings/guild-hall\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Stone generation rate reduced by 50% to match French.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where French influence system was referenced in a few building tooltips for the Jeanne d’Arc variant civilization.\n items: [],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where French influence system was referenced in a few building tooltips for the Jeanne d’Arc variant civilization.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Order of the Dragon\",\n civs: [\"od\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Starting Wood increased from 150 to 200.\n items: [],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Starting Wood increased from 150 to 200.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Golden Cuirass technology damage reduction now activates at 30% health (up from 20%).\n items: [\"technologies/golden-cuirass\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Damage reduction now activates at 30% health (up from 20%).\"]],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where weapon range of Gilded Achers would be reduced after researching Incendiary Arrows.\n items: [\"units/gilded-archer\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where weapon range of Gilded Achers would be reduced after researching Incendiary Arrows.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Zhu-Xi's Legacy\",\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Shaolin Monastery Landmark – Shaolin Monks\n // Shaolin Monks and Monks are no longer selected together with double clicking.\n // Shaolin Monks ranged armor reduced from 2 to 0.\n // Shaolin Monks now display a buff indicator when activating the Body of Iron ability.\n items: [\"units/shaolin-monk\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Shaolin Monks and Monks are no longer selected together with double clicking.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Ranged armor reduced from 2 to 0.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Shaolin Monks now display a buff indicator when activating the Body of Iron ability.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Technologies at the Mount Lu Academy Landmark are now properly marked as unique to civilization.\n items: [\"buildings/mount-lu-academy\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Technologies at the Mount Lu Academy Landmark are now properly marked as unique to civilization.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Zhu Xi’s Library Landmark – Imperial Guard\n // Damage reduced from 35 to 28.\n // Health decreased from 350 to 340.\n // Melee armor increased from 6 to 10.\n // Ranged armor decreased from 6 to 3.\n // Fixed an issue where Lancers and Imperial Guards would both be selected when double clicking on either unit.\n items: [\"units/imperial-guard\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Damage reduced from 35 to 28.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Health decreased from 350 to 340.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Melee armor increased from 6 to 10.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Ranged armor decreased from 6 to 3.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Lancers and Imperial Guards would both be selected when double clicking on either unit.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"What's on the Horizon\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Coming Up…\nLate January/Early February Patch \n\nWe are planning for our next minor patch to release in early 2024, with a target of late January or early February.`,\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const patch92628: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"patch-92628\",\n buildId: 92628,\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-patch-9-2-628/\",\n name: \"Patch 9.2.628\",\n season: 6,\n type: \"patch\",\n summary: \"Changes to late-game siege stalemates, buffs for Byzantines, rework of Japanese Religious landmarks and other balance changes.\",\n introduction: `\n \n\"Happy Patch Day! We’ve got our first update of 2024 loaded with balance improvements for our awesome line up of new and variant civilizations released with The Sultans Ascend expansion last year. Not only that, but we’re bringing a whole host of AI improvements, map fixes, and a stellar seasonal event to the mix.\"`,\n date: new Date(\"2024-01-30T18:00:00Z\"),\n sections: [\n {\n title: \"Seasonal Theme and Event: Lunar Faire 2024\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n We’re excited to have you all join us for Lunar Faire in a few short days with an awesome seasonal event set to start February 1st and run through February 22nd! Make way for the Year of the Dragon!\n\n\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Map Pool Rotation\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n With a new update comes an opportunity to refresh the map pools! This update features two maps that have not seen ranked play yet: Forts and Waterholes. \n \n Some familiar maps have made their return — giving brand new civilizations a chance to flex their refreshing gameplay on familiar battlegrounds. \n \n # 1v1 Ranked Map Pool \n ### Maps rotating out for 9.2 \n \n - Hidden Valley \n - Rocky River \n - Canal \n - Golden Heights\n \n ### Maps rotating in \n - Forts \n - Boulder Bay \n - Mongolian Heights \n - Four Lakes \n \n ### New 1v1 Ranked Map Pool\n - Dry Arabia \n - Cliffside \n - Himeyama \n - Forts \n - Gorge \n - Boulder Bay \n - Mongolian Heights \n - Golden Pit \n - Four Lakes \n \n # Team Ranked Map Pool\n ### Maps rotating out for 9.2 \n - Hidden Valley \n - Volcanic Island \n - Hideout \n - Golden Heights \n\n ### Maps rotating in \n - Forts \n - Canal\n - Hill and Dale\n - Waterholes\n\n ### New Team Ranked Map Pool\n - Dry Arabia \n - Cliffside \n - Himeyama \n - Forts \n - Gorge \n - Canal \n - Hill and Dale \n - Golden Pit \n - Waterholes \n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"Build Spotlight\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Xbox Update: Xbox Home Share\n After we launched The Sultans Ascend expansion last year, we heard that Xbox Home share wasn’t working as expecting. This has been fixed in this latest update.\n \n ## Design Update\n - Our main focus this update has been to improve the balance of new Civilizations.\n - The Japanese sacred choice design has been reworked, with six new technologies that are unlocked at either the Shinto Shrine or Buddhist Temple; based on your Castle Age Landmark selection.\n \n ##Crash Fixes\n We’ve identified and fixed a number of high frequency crashes and desyncs, this should lead to better game stability with this update.\n \n \n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"Gameplay\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ### AI Updates (Byzantines)\n\n - AI is better at picking safe places to build mercenary houses.\n \n ### AI Updates (Jeanne d’Arc)\n \n - AI Jeanne d’Arc no longer abandons her army when she levels up in combat.\n - AI Jeanne d’Arc is now able to use Valorous Inspiration and Strength of Heaven.\n \n ### AI Updates (Japanese)\n \n - Fixed issue with AI trying to deposit Yorishiro in buildings that can’t accept Yorishiro.\n - AI now prioritizes placing Yorishrio in forges, lumber camps, and farmhouses.\n \n ### AI Updates (Nomad Mode)\n \n - Fixed AI sometimes being unable to build their Town Center in Nomad mode.\n \n ### AI Bug Fixes\n \n - Fixed an issue that could cause idle AI units if it failed to retreat with a set-up siege unit.\n - Fixed a crash that could occur in the AI system when loading a save game.\n - Fixed big groups of AI villagers refusing to gather resources during the late game.\n - Fixed issue that sometimes causes the AI to get stuck on a building while patrolling its base.\n - Fixed an issue that caused the AI to stay on a sacred site longer than intended.\n - Fixed AI sometimes being unable to build anything or progress in any way when being in the proximity of an enemy.\n - Fixed small groups of AI military units sometimes being defeated by chasing enemies into their base.\n \n ### General\n \n - Fixed a crash that could happen on Xbox and Windows Store versions of _Age of Empires IV_ when playing multiplayer games with Voice Chat enabled.\n - Fixed a bug where the game could crash when starting a multiplayer game.\n - Units will no longer get stuck on generated wall blockers, this would previously happen most commonly when Villagers are chopping wood near wall ends.\n - Fixed an issue where the animation of the House of Wisdom Wings would be out of sync with the age up for Ayyubids.\n - Reduced visual artifacts when snapping palisade walls to each other.\n - Units that use torches will no longer occasionally deal no damage attacking a palisade wall when standing close to the wall.\n - Fixed various bugs where certain abilities would stop working after loading a saved game.\n - Rus Hunting Cabins and High Trade House now show the number of trees counted on the Xbox.\n \n ### Nomad Mode\n \n - In Nomad Mode, players now must complete a Town Center before they can Age Up.\n \n ### Steam Deck\n \n - Fixed an issue causing desyncs on Steam Decks when playing online.\n \n ### Campaign\n \n - Campaign Mission: 1215, Zhongdu – The enemy landmarks in campaign mission Zhongdu have hit the gym and can now withstand the player’s overwhelming onslaught, preventing building destruction which leads to a Fatal Scar Error.\n - Campaign Mission: 1426, Cyprus – Prevented a Fatal Scar that could occur from destroying Famagusta’s Docks before the objective had started.\n - Campaign Mission: The Battle of Mansurah – Fixed a crash that could occur on the mission The Battle of Mansurah if the player survived for 40 minutes on hard mode.\n - Mongol Town Center no longer activates Age Up progression bar in campaigns.\n - Fixed a crash that could occur when loading a save game from some of the new Campaign missions.\n \n ### Hotkeys\n \n - We have corrected a range of issues related to remappable hotkeys where they were either unlisted, in the wrong spot, or did not have the correct default hotkey based on their grid position. Thank you for all your reports.\n \n ### Masteries\n \n - Fixed a bug where Delhi Sultanate Mastery #10, “Protecting the Sword” was not correctly tracking healing from the Mosque’s healing aura. The mastery was undercounting health received.\n \n ### UX/UI & Menus (All Platforms)\n \n - A bug in the Korean language IME has been fixed: terminating a syllable with the spacebar will now add the space character after the syllable instead of before.\n - Improved the smoothing of the camera when watching a recorded replay when Free Camera is disabled.\n - Shift click in resources panel allows you to select all idle workers or all workers in the clicked resource.\n - Fixed an issue where toggle buttons in the settings page would get clipped randomly in certain resolution monitors.\n - Fixed an issue with High Contrast UI being difficult to read in the Quick Match tab.\n \n ### Localization\n \n We have been tracking your feedback relating to localization quality in _The Sultans Ascend_ expansion and have made expansive changes to several languages, including Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Hungarian languages.\n \n We are committed to continuing to track and evaluate improvements in this space. So, please let us know in [the forums](https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/incorrect-translations-for-age-of-empires-iv-the-sultans-ascend-dlc/243544) if you continue to see issues related to language quality.\n`,\n },\n {\n title: \"Maps\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Map-Specific Changes\n\n### African Waters \n\n- Player’s starting gold will no longer spawn trapped inside the player’s starting forest.\n\n### Hill & Dale \n\n- We’ve done a tuning pass on the distribution of Sacred Sites on Hill and Dale. We have more robust changes coming in a future update that should help ensure that sites are placed fairly with even higher consistency, but we felt like this interim tuning has resulted in less clumped spawns than before.\n\n### Gorge\n\n- Sheep distribution has been reworked on Gorge and Forts to be more consistent across the map, with less cases of 2/3 sheep spawning bunched together while other large areas remain arid.\n `,\n },\n {\n title: \"Balance & Bugfixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"General Balance Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // - Springald\n // - Attack Speed improved from 4 to 3 seconds.\n // - Attack Damage reduced from 30 +70 vs Siege and Naval to 30 +60.\n items: [\"units/springald\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Attack Speed improved from 4 to 3 seconds.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Attack Damage reduced from 30 +70 vs Siege and Naval to 30 +60.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // - Culverin\n // - Attack Speed improved from 4.38 to 3.25.\n // - Bonus damage vs Siege and Naval decreased from +100 to +60.\n items: [\"units/culverin\", \"units/royal-culverin\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Attack Speed improved from 4.38 to 3.25.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Bonus damage vs Siege and Naval decreased from +100 to +60.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // - Mangonel\n // - Ranged armor increased from 20 to 30.\n // - Nest of Bees\n // - Ranged armor increased from 20 to 30.\n // - Counterweight & Traction Trebuchets\n // - Ranged armor increased from 20 to 30.\n items: [\n \"units/mangonel\",\n \"units/manjaniq\",\n \"units/nest-of-bees\",\n \"units/counterweight-trebuchet\",\n \"units/clocktower-counterweight-trebuchet\",\n \"units/traction-trebuchet\",\n ],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Ranged armor increased from 20 to 30.\"]],\n },\n {\n // - Cannon/Bombard/Great Bombard\n // - Ranged armor increased from 30 to 35.\n items: [\"units/cannon\", \"units/royal-cannon\", \"units/bombard\", \"units/great-bombard\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Ranged armor increased from 30 to 35.\"]],\n },\n {\n // - Villager Torches bonus vs. Siege removed.\n items: [\"units/villager\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Torch bonus vs. Siege removed.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [],\n civs: [],\n diff: [],\n note: `The above set of changes to Siege aims to help with late-game stalemate situations and address a couple of issues with Springalds and Culverins:\n 1. Volatility of Springalds and Culverins vs other Siege units. By increasing the attack speed and reducing damage, it now requires more Springalds and Culverins to be able to one-shot other Siege weapons. This should widen the window available to react to seeing these units on the battlefield before all your attacking siege is destroyed. \n 2. Camping under Keeps with Springalds and Culverins surrounded by units makes them difficult to push into and pick off, but without picking them off it is challenging to use siege to take down the Keep. By reducing the ranged armor of the Springald, we hope that using ranged units to pick them off becomes more viable.`,\n },\n {\n // - Battering Ram\n // - Cost reduced from 250 Wood to 200 Wood.\n // - Health reduced from 420 to 340.\n // - Now takes an additional 20% bonus damage from Melee attacks.\n // - Attack-move with melee units now targets rams automatically.\n\n // > **_Developer Note:_** _Following up from our previous Ram changes, we’re aiming to address the effective health of Rams and reduce the viability of Ram pushes without support units. With this change we’re making it so that melee units will not ignore Rams with attack move (but Ranged units will). Our goal is to tune the Ram so that fighting them with melee units has a worthwhile return on investment. Along with reducing the health and cost appropriately this should also help to reduce the population effectiveness of Rams while remaining at 1 population._\n items: [\"units/battering-ram\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 250 Wood to 200 Wood.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 420 to 340.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Now takes an additional 20% bonus damage from Melee attacks.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Attack-move with melee units now targets rams automatically.\"],\n ],\n note: `Following up from our previous Ram changes, we’re aiming to address the effective health of Rams and reduce the viability of Ram pushes without support units. With this change we’re making it so that melee units will not ignore Rams with attack move (but Ranged units will). Our goal is to tune the Ram so that fighting them with melee units has a worthwhile return on investment. Along with reducing the health and cost appropriately this should also help to reduce the population effectiveness of Rams while remaining at 1 population.`,\n },\n {\n // - Tithe Barns income reduced from 30 Food, 30 Wood, 30 Stone to 40 Food, 40 Wood, 10 Stone.\n\n items: [\"technologies/tithe-barns\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Income reduced from 30 Food, 30 Wood, 30 Stone to 40 Food, 40 Wood, 10 Stone.\"]],\n },\n {\n // - Mongols Improved Tithe Barns changed to 60 Food, 60 Wood, 15 Stone.\n // > **_Developer Note:_** _Late game Stone generation has proven too effective at creating massive amounts of defenses, which can make late games feel slower than intended. We want Stone to be a limited resource in the later stages of the game so defenses cannot be amassed too much over time._\n items: [\"technologies/tithe-barns-improved\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Income changed to 60 Food, 60 Wood, 15 Stone.\"]],\n note: `Late game Stone generation has proven too effective at creating massive amounts of defenses, which can make late games feel slower than intended. We want Stone to be a limited resource in the later stages of the game so defenses cannot be amassed too much over time.`,\n },\n {\n // - Imperial Age Economy Upgrades\n // - Crosscut Saw now also provides +5 Wood carry capacity in addition to +15% gather rate.\n items: [\"technologies/crosscut-saw\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Now also provides +5 Wood carry capacity in addition to +15% gather rate.\"]],\n },\n {\n // - Cupellation no longer increases gather rate, instead Villagers drop off 15% more Gold.\n // > _**Developer Note:** We want to make the Imperial Age economy upgrades more appealing for their cost, as well as reducing the number of Villagers required to sustain a late-game economy. This should lead to larger army sizes for more fun!_\n items: [\"technologies/cupellation\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Now increases Gold drop off by 15%.\"]],\n note: `We want to make the Imperial Age economy upgrades more appealing for their cost, as well as reducing the number of Villagers required to sustain a late-game economy. This should lead to larger army sizes for more fun!`,\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"General Bug Fixes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [\n {\n // Improved Villagers’ gathering logic so that they favor going to the nearest available live Sheep instead of travelling far distances for a carcass.\n items: [\"units/villager\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Improved Villagers’ gathering logic so that they favor going to the nearest available live Sheep instead of travelling far distances for a carcass.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where the Trader was tagged as Cavalry.\n items: [\"units/trader\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the Trader was tagged as Cavalry.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Docks are no longer selected when using Select All Military Buildings hotkey.\n items: [\"buildings/dock\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Docks are no longer selected when using Select All Military Buildings hotkey.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Horse Archer units no longer favor the front of formations and will be protected by heavy units by standing behind them.\n items: [\"units/horse-archer\", \"units/mangudai\", \"units/onna-musha\", \"units/camel-archer\", \"units/desert-raider\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Horse Archer units no longer favor the front of formations and will be protected by heavy units by standing behind them.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Conversion and Proselytization no longer target units who are blessed with Jeanne d’Arc’s Strength of Heaven.\n items: [\"technologies/proselytization\", \"abilities/ability-conversion\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Conversion and Proselytization no longer target units who are blessed with Jeanne d’Arc’s Strength of Heaven.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Handcannons from Archery Ranges will now produce x5 when using the shift modifier to produce them.\n items: [\"buildings/archery-range\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Handcannons from Archery Ranges will now produce x5 when using the shift modifier to produce them.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Landmark Town Centers garrison arrow range corrected from 8 to 6 tiles.\n // Capital Town Centers\n // Updated text to reflect their ability to detect stealth and disguises.\n items: [\"buildings/capital-town-center\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Landmark Town Centers garrison arrow range corrected from 8 to 6 tiles.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Updated text to reflect their ability to detect stealth and disguises.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Non-Capital Town Centers\n // Updated text to reflect that these buildings cannot detect stealth and disguises.\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Updated text to reflect that Non-Capital Town Centers cannot detect stealth and disguises.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Stone Walls: Corrected incorrect defensive values in the help text.\n items: [\"buildings/stone-wall\"],\n civs: [],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected incorrect defensive values in the help text.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Civilization-Specific Changes\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Abbasid Dynasty\",\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Golden Age tier 3: Corrected an issue where Villagers were receiving +30% gather rate instead of +20%.\n items: [\"buildings/house-of-wisdom\", \"abilities/ability-golden-age-tier-3\"],\n civs: [\"ab\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Golden Age tier 3: Corrected an issue where Villagers were receiving +30% gather rate instead of +20%.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Ayyubids\",\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Culture Wing: Advancement: Feudal – Age up time reduced from 40% to 20%.\n items: [\"technologies/feudal-culture-wing-advancement\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Age up time reduced from 40% to 20%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Culture Wing: Advancement: Castle – Age up time reduced from 40% to 20% and resource discount reduced from 500 to 400.\n items: [\"technologies/castle-culture-wing-advancement\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Age up time reduced from 40% to 20%\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Resource discount reduced from 500 to 400.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Culture Wing: Advancement: Imperial – Age up time reduced from 40% to 20% and resource discount reduced from 1500 to 1350.\n items: [\"technologies/imperial-culture-wing-advancement\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Age up time reduced from 40% to 20%\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Resource discount reduced from 1500 to 1350.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Corrected an issue where the first Golden Age Tier was giving +15% bonus to Gold, Stone, and Wood instead of 10%.\n items: [\"buildings/house-of-wisdom\", \"abilities/ability-golden-age-tier-1\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the first Golden Age Tier was giving +15% bonus to Gold, Stone, and Wood instead of 10%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Dervish healing no longer heals units in garrison.\n items: [\"units/dervish\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Dervish healing no longer heals units in garrison.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Desert Raider weapon range no longer fluctuates when upgrading Desert Raiders after researching Incendiary Arrows.\n items: [\"units/desert-raider\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Desert Raider weapon range no longer fluctuates when upgrading Desert Raiders after researching Incendiary Arrows.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Transport Ships loaded with Atabegs will now properly reduce their maximum count when the ship is destroyed.\n items: [\"units/atabeg\"],\n civs: [\"ay\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Transport Ships loaded with Atabegs will now properly reduce their maximum count when the ship is destroyed.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Byzantines\",\n civs: [\"by\"],\n changes: [\n // Developer Note: We’ve been watching the development of the Byzantines carefully and decided that they need significantly more nerfs. Just kidding! However, while we do aim to help bring the win rates of the Byzantines up, we do want to ensure that their over-tuned elements do not go unaddressed. We do believe that the following set of changes will help them where they need it the most, in the early game.\n {\n items: [],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [],\n note: `We’ve been watching the development of the Byzantines carefully and decided that they need significantly more nerfs. Just kidding! However, while we do aim to help bring the win rates of the Byzantines up, we do want to ensure that their over-tuned elements do not go unaddressed. We do believe that the following set of changes will help them where they need it the most, in the early game.`,\n },\n {\n // Cheirosiphon\n // Cost reduced from 250 Wood, 100 Gold to 200 Wood, 100 Gold.\n // Health reduced from 350 to 280.\n // Developer Note: This change is in concert with the general Ram changes for all civilizations.\n items: [\"units/cheirosiphon\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Cost reduced from 250 Wood, 100 Gold to 200 Wood, 100 Gold.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 350 to 280.\"],\n ],\n note: `This change is in concert with the general Ram changes for all civilizations.`,\n },\n {\n // Cisterns\n // Gather bonus increased from 5/10/15/20/25% to 10/14/18/22/26% based on Water Level.\n // Build time reduced from 20s to 15s.\n // Stone cost cap reduced from 300 Stone to 250 Stone.\n items: [\"buildings/cistern\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Gather bonus increased from 5/10/15/20/25% to 10/14/18/22/26% based on Water Level.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Build time reduced from 20s to 15s.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Stone cost cap reduced from 300 Stone to 250 Stone.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Cistern of the First Hill Landmark\n // Starting Flasks increased from 1 to 3.\n // Flask maximum increased from 10 to 20.\n // Decreased amount of health restored from 250 to 150.\n // Reduced healing duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.\n // Improved Flask spawn rate from every 45 seconds to every 30 seconds.\n // Reduced unit cooldown from 45 seconds to 20 seconds.\n items: [\"buildings/cistern-of-the-first-hill\", \"abilities/ability-pilgrim-flask\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Starting Flasks increased from 1 to 3.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Flask maximum increased from 10 to 20.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Decreased amount of health restored from 250 to 150.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Reduced healing duration from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Improved Flask spawn rate from every 45 seconds to every 30 seconds.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Reduced unit cooldown from 45 seconds to 20 seconds.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Grand Winery: Now acts as a Mill & Monastery and includes Food economy technologies.\n items: [\"buildings/grand-winery\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Now acts as a Mill & Monastery and includes Food economy technologies.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Limitanei Shield Wall damage reduction changed from 50% to 40%.\n items: [\"units/limitanei\", \"abilities/ability-shield-wall\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Damage reduction changed from 50% to 40%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Cistern Dialectius: Research speeds decreased from 50/100/150/200/250% to 30/60/90/120/150%.\n items: [\"buildings/cistern\", \"abilities/ability-dialecticus\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Dialecticus Research speeds decreased from 50/100/150/200/250% to 30/60/90/120/150%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Golden Horn Tower Landmark\n // Reduced training speed from 50% reduction to 60% reduction.\n // Produces 2 Keshik instead of 3 per batch.\n // Developer Note: The Golden Horn Tower generates a bit too many resources per minute compared to other Castle Age Landmarks when considering their Cistern water levels.\n items: [\"buildings/golden-horn-tower\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Reduced training speed from 50% reduction to 60% reduction.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Produces 2 Keshik instead of 3 per batch.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Streltsy Olive Oil cost increased from 540 to 720.\n items: [\"units/streltsy\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Olive Oil cost increased from 540 to 720.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Varangian Guards are no longer selected with Mercenary Ghulams when double clicking.\n items: [\"units/varangian-guard\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Varangian Guards are no longer selected with Mercenary Ghulams when double clicking.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Imperial Hippodrome: Corrected issue where Wolves would grant Supply Points.\n // Corrected help text to state that workers generate Olive Oil to the % of amount of Food carried.\n items: [\"buildings/imperial-hippodrome\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected issue where Wolves would grant Supply Points.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected help text to state that workers generate Olive Oil to the % of amount of Food carried.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Akritoi Defense: Added that it changes all Villager’s weapons to a spear that deals +1 / 2 / 3 / 5 bonus damage per Age to the help text.\n items: [\"buildings/cistern\", \"abilities/ability-akritoi-defense\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Added that Akritoi Defense changes all Villager’s weapons to a spear that deals +1 / 2 / 3 / 5 bonus damage per Age to the help text.\"],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Fixed an issue where Cisterns did not cost any wood to repair.\n items: [\"buildings/cistern\"],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Cisterns did not cost any wood to repair.\"]],\n },\n {\n // The Surefire Victory mastery now tracks units killed by Greek Fire from a Dromon.\n items: [],\n civs: [\"by\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"The Surefire Victory mastery now tracks units killed by Greek Fire from a Dromon.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // Chinese\n\n // Imperial Academy: Now produces Imperial Officials with a 30% discount.\n // Dock: Decreased work rate bonus from 20% to 10%.\n // Improved the Supervise Ability description to more clearly explain which buildings can be targeted.\n // Fixed an issue where Chinese Houses and Villages would display a Tax UI despite not generating any tax.\n\n subtitle: \"Chinese\",\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"buildings/imperial-academy\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Now produces Imperial Officials with a 30% discount.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/dock\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Decreased work rate bonus from 20% to 10%.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"abilities/ability-supervise\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Improved the Supervise Ability description to more clearly explain which buildings can be targeted.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/house\", \"buildings/village\"],\n civs: [\"ch\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where Chinese Houses and Villages would display a Tax UI despite not generating any tax.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // Delhi Sultanate\n // When researching Manuscript Trade, Scholars that are already garrisoned in Docks will be properly counted as active Scholars. This fixes an issue where the active Scholar count could go negative, breaking Sultanate research times.\n // Docks when destroyed will decrease the Scholar count correctly if Manuscript Trade is researched and a Scholar is garrisoned.\n\n subtitle: \"Delhi Sultanate\",\n civs: [\"de\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"technologies/manuscript-trade\", \"buildings/dock\"],\n civs: [\"de\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"When researching Manuscript Trade, Scholars that are already garrisoned in Docks will be properly counted as active Scholars.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Docks when destroyed will decrease the Scholar count correctly if Manuscript Trade is researched and a Scholar is garrisoned.\"],\n ],\n note: `This fixes an issue where the active Scholar count could go negative, breaking Sultanate research times.`,\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // English\n // Wynguard Rangers are now selected with Select All Ranged Infantry hotkey.\n subtitle: \"English\",\n civs: [\"en\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/wynguard-ranger\"],\n civs: [\"en\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Wynguard Rangers are now selected with Select All Ranged Infantry hotkey.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // French\n // French Trade ships now correctly generate 20% more resources instead of 33% more.\n // Fixed an issue where the Chamber of Commerce would skip one free Trader if two or more economy technologies are researched in Dark Age.\n subtitle: \"French\",\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/trader\"],\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"French Trade ships now correctly generate 20% more resources instead of 33% more.\"]],\n },\n {\n items: [\"buildings/chamber-of-commerce\"],\n civs: [\"fr\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where the Chamber of Commerce would skip one free Trader if two or more economy technologies are researched in Dark Age.\"],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n\n {\n // Holy Roman Empire\n // Corrected issue where Holy Inspiration would be cast on enemy naval units, breaking its animations.\n subtitle: \"Holy Roman Empire\",\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"units/prelate\"],\n civs: [\"hr\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected issue where Holy Inspiration would be cast on enemy naval units, breaking its animations.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n subtitle: \"Japanese\",\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n changes: [\n {\n // Developer Note: We want the sacred choice for the Japanese to be far more meaningful than your Landmark selection and which Monk skin you get. While providing a needed buff to the Japanese, we hope that this rework offers more distinction between the two choices and more strategic options in the Castle Age and beyond.\n\n // The Shinto Shrine and Buddhist Temple now each contain 3 new technologies which replace Herbal Medicine, Piety, and Tithe Barns.\n items: [\"buildings/shinto-shrine\", \"buildings/buddhist-temple\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"The Shinto Shrine and Buddhist Temple now each contain 3 new technologies which replace Herbal Medicine, Piety, and Tithe Barns.\"]],\n note: `We want the sacred choice for the Japanese to be far more meaningful than your Landmark selection and which Monk skin you get. While providing a needed buff to the Japanese, we hope that this rework offers more distinction between the two choices and more strategic options in the Castle Age and beyond.`,\n },\n\n // Shinto Shrine:\n {\n // Shinto Rituals: Increases the Shinto Priest’s healing rate by +60%, health by +40, and move speed by +15%.\n items: [\"technologies/shinto-rituals\", \"buildings/shinto-shrine\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"New Technology 'Shinto Rituals': Increases the Shinto Priest’s healing rate by +60%, health by +40, and move speed by +15%.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Gion Festival: All buildings gain +2 Line of Sight. Every 3 minutes all economic units heal for 100% of their max health over 3 seconds.\n items: [\"technologies/gion-festival\", \"buildings/shinto-shrine\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"buff\",\n \"New Technology 'Gion Festival': All buildings gain +2 Line of Sight. Every 3 minutes all economic units heal for 100% of their max health over 3 seconds.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n {\n // Bunrei: Increases the maximum number of Yorishiro by +2. Immediately spawns 2 Yorishiro at the Floating Gate.\n items: [\"technologies/bunrei\", \"buildings/shinto-shrine\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"New Technology 'Bunrei': Increases the maximum number of Yorishiro by +2. Immediately spawns 2 Yorishiro at the Floating Gate.\"]],\n },\n\n // Buddhist Temple:\n {\n // Zen: Buddhist Monks generate +25 gold every 60 seconds.\n items: [\"technologies/zen\", \"buildings/buddhist-temple\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"New Technology 'Zen': Buddhist Monks generate +25 gold every 60 seconds.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Nehan: Upgrades Buddhist Conversion to Nehan Conversion, which has 25% shorter cooldown and additional improves nearby allied units’ movement speed by +25% when cast.1\n items: [\"technologies/nehan\", \"buildings/buddhist-temple\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"buff\",\n \"New Technology 'Nehan': Upgrades Buddhist Conversion to Nehan Conversion, which has 25% shorter cooldown and additional improves nearby allied units’ movement speed by +25% when cast.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n // Five Mountain Ministries: Buddhist Temples automatically cast Sohai’s Sutra on a nearby enemy every 6 seconds.\n {\n items: [\"technologies/five-mountain-ministries\", \"buildings/buddhist-temple\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"New Technology 'Five Mountain Ministries': Buddhist Temples automatically cast Sohai’s Sutra on a nearby enemy every 6 seconds.\"]],\n },\n\n {\n // Buddhist Monk: The Conversion ability has been renamed to Buddhist Conversion and the description has been updated to properly indicate that nearby allies gain +20% damage for 20 seconds when Buddhist Conversion is cast.\n items: [\"units/buddhist-monk\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"The Conversion ability has been renamed to Buddhist Conversion and the description has been updated to properly indicate that nearby allies gain +20% damage for 20 seconds when Buddhist Conversion is cast.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n\n // Buddhist Temple: Now has a built limit of 5 (including the Temple of Equality landmark).\n {\n items: [\"buildings/buddhist-temple\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Now has a built limit of 5 (including the Temple of Equality landmark).\"]],\n },\n\n // Town Center Rockets range decreased from 9 to 8 tiles.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/town-center\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Rocket Range decreased from 9 to 8 tiles.\"]],\n },\n\n // Handcannoneer renamed to Handcannon Ashigaru.\n {\n items: [\"units/handcannon-ashigaru\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Handcannoneer renamed to Handcannon Ashigaru.\"]],\n },\n {\n // Koka Township will no longer instantly spawn a Shinobi but instead queue it in production for free when the landmark completes construction.\n // Developer Note: On hybrid maps, the Shinobi timing doesn’t give other civilizations reasonable time to establish an answer when scouting the Landmark and responding to Shinobi’s sabotage ability.\n // Koka Township: Corrected an issue where the free Shinobi would not travel to rally points.\n\n items: [\"buildings/koka-township\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"nerf\",\n \"Koka Township will no longer instantly spawn a Shinobi but instead queue it in production for free when the landmark completes construction.\",\n ],\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the free Shinobi would not travel to rally points.\"],\n ],\n note: `On hybrid maps, the Shinobi timing doesn’t give other civilizations reasonable time to establish an answer when scouting the Landmark and responding to Shinobi’s sabotage ability.`,\n },\n\n // Tanegashima Gunsmith: Updated the UI to show the current number of stockpiles available to spend.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/tanegashima-gunsmith\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Updated the UI to show the current number of stockpiles available to spend.\"]],\n },\n // Buddhist Monks will no longer leave their Stand Ground state when casting Sohei’s Sutra.\n // Corrected issue where Sohei’s Sutra would be cast on enemy naval units, breaking its animations.\n {\n items: [\"units/buddhist-monk\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\"fix\", \"Buddhist Monks will no longer leave their Stand Ground state when casting Sohei’s Sutra.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected issue where Sohei’s Sutra would be cast on enemy naval units, breaking its animations.\"],\n ],\n },\n // Copper Plating technology: Corrected an issue where the bonus was displayed +2% instead of +2 fire and ranged armor.\n {\n items: [\"technologies/copper-plating\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the bonus was displayed +2% instead of +2 fire and ranged armor.\"]],\n },\n // The Floating Gate: Will no longer fail to create a Shinto Priest if players are population blocked. The Shinto Priest is now stays in the production queue until population room becomes available.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/floating-gate\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Will no longer fail to create a Shinto Priest if players are population blocked. The Shinto Priest is now stays in the production queue until population room becomes available.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n\n // Corrected an issue where ranged Cavalry were not benefitting from Uma Bannermen auras.\n {\n items: [\"units/uma-bannerman\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where ranged Cavalry were not benefitting from Uma Bannermen auras.\"]],\n },\n\n // Corrected an issue where melee infantry & cavalry charge attack was not benefiting from Katana banners.\n {\n items: [\"units/katana-bannerman\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where melee infantry & cavalry charge attack was not benefiting from Katana banners.\"]],\n },\n // Onna-Bugeisha no longer share formations with Man-at-Arms and are now ranked behind.\n {\n items: [\"units/onna-bugeisha\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"No longer share formations with Man-at-Arms and are now ranked behind\"]],\n },\n\n // Shinobi now shares a formation with Onna-Bugeisha instead of Man-at-Arms.\n {\n items: [\"units/shinobi\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Now shares a formation with Onna-Bugeisha instead of Man-at-Arms.\"]],\n },\n // Castle of the Crow Treasure Caravan is no longer selected with the “Select All Units” hotkey.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/castle-of-the-crow\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Castle of the Crow Treasure Caravan is no longer selected with the “Select All Units” hotkey.\"]],\n },\n\n // Fixed an issue where free Villagers from Daimyo upgrades wouldn’t benefit from upgrades.\n {\n items: [\"units/villager\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Fixed an issue where free Villagers from Daimyo upgrades wouldn’t benefit from upgrades.\"]],\n },\n // Transport Ships loaded with Bannermen will now properly reduce their maximum count when the ship is destroyed.\n {\n items: [\"units/transport-ship\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Transport Ships loaded with Bannermen will now properly reduce their maximum count when the ship is destroyed.\"]],\n },\n // Corrected issue where researching Odachi would increase the weapon range of Samurai.\n {\n items: [\"technologies/odachi\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected issue where researching Odachi would increase the weapon range of Samurai.\"]],\n },\n // Shinobi: Updated text to reflect health regeneration bonus and what can detect Shinobi disguises.\n {\n items: [\"units/shinobi\"],\n civs: [\"ja\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Updated text to reflect health regeneration bonus and what can detect Shinobi disguises.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // Jeanne d'Arc\n // (Variant Civilization: French)\n subtitle: \"Jeanne d'Arc\",\n civs: [\"je\"],\n changes: [\n // Changes to hero Jeanne d’Arc\n // Jeanne d’Arc no longer gains experience from Wolves.\n // Jeanne d’Arc will no longer lose ability charge progress or cooldown progress when levelled up, garrisoned, or killed.\n // Jeanne d’Arc abilities can no longer be interrupted by auto-attacks during casting.\n // Corrected an issue where Jeanne d’Arc would gain experience from Sheep.\n // Divine Restoration no longer heals units in garrisons.\n // Honorable Heart damage reduction reduced from 50%/66% to 45%/60%.\n\n // Developer Note: We’re aiming to reduce Jeanne d’Arc’s effectiveness in the Feudal Age:\n // Slowing down Tier 3 by reducing exp gain from Wolves.\n // Reducing the base stats of Jeanne d’Arc in Tier 3 and 4\n // Changing Companion Equipment (Castle Age) to restore the lost stats.\n // Additionally, we’re tuning down the damage reduction from Honorable Heart to help with ridiculous situations where she can solo a Keep. We have plans to rework the damage reduction mechanic in a later update as well.\n\n {\n items: [\n \"units/jeanne-darc-peasant\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-hunter\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-woman-at-arms\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-mounted-archer\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-knight\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-markswoman\",\n \"units/jeanne-darc-blast-cannon\",\n ],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Jeanne d’Arc no longer gains experience from Wolves.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Jeanne d’Arc will no longer lose ability charge progress or cooldown progress when levelled up, garrisoned, or killed.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Jeanne d’Arc abilities can no longer be interrupted by auto-attacks during casting.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Jeanne d’Arc would gain experience from Sheep.\"],\n [\"fix\", \"Divine Restoration no longer heals units in garrisons.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Honorable Heart damage reduction reduced from 50%/66% to 45%/60%.\"],\n ],\n note: `We’re aiming to reduce Jeanne d’Arc’s effectiveness in the Feudal Age: Slowing down Tier 3 by reducing exp gain from Wolves. Reducing the base stats of Jeanne d’Arc in Tier 3 and 4. Changing Companion Equipment (Castle Age) to restore the lost stats. Additionally, we’re tuning down the damage reduction from Honorable Heart to help with ridiculous situations where she can solo a Keep. We have plans to rework the damage reduction mechanic in a later update as well.`,\n },\n\n // Tier 2 Archer Jeanne d’Arc health increased from 200 to 225.\n // Tier 2 Archer Jeanne d’Arc move speed increased from 5 to 5.5.\n {\n items: [\"units/jeanne-darc-hunter\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Health increased from 200 to 225.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Move speed increased from 5 to 5.5.\"],\n ],\n },\n\n // Tier 3 Holy Wrath damage reduced from 35 to 30\n {\n items: [\"abilities/ability-holy-wrath\", \"units/jeanne-darc-knight\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Holy Wrath damage reduced from 35 to 30\"]],\n },\n\n // Tier 3 Melee Jeanne d’Arc health reduced from 450 to 360.\n // Tier 3 Melee Jeanne d’Arc armor reduced from 5 to 4.\n // Tier 3 Melee Jeanne d’Arc damage reduced from 20 to 16 — charge damage reduced from 30 to 24.\n {\n items: [\"units/jeanne-darc-knight\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 450 to 360.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Armor reduced from 5 to 4.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Damage reduced from 20 to 16 — charge damage reduced from 30 to 24.\"],\n ],\n },\n // Tier 3 Ranged Jeanne d’Arc health reduced from 350 to 280.\n // Tier 3 Ranged Jeanne d’Arc damage reduced from 18 to 15.\n {\n items: [\"units/jeanne-darc-mounted-archer\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Health reduced from 350 to 280.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Damage reduced from 18 to 15.\"],\n ],\n },\n\n // Tier 4 Melee Jeanne d’Arc damage reduced from 50 to 40.\n // Tier 4 Melee Jeanne d’Arc armor reduced from 6 to 5.\n {\n items: [\"units/jeanne-darc-blast-cannon\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Damage reduced from 50 to 40.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Armor reduced from 6 to 5.\"],\n ],\n },\n\n // Tier 4 Ranged Jeanne d’Arc damage reduced from 35 to 28.\n {\n items: [\"units/jeanne-darc-markswoman\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Damage reduced from 35 to 28.\"]],\n },\n\n // Companion Equipment (Castle Age):\n // Cost increased from 175 to 500.\n // Moved from the Keep to the Blacksmith.\n // Increases health and damage of Jeanne d’Arc by +25% at tier 3 and 4.\n // Increases Jeanne d’Arc armor by +1.\n {\n items: [\"technologies/companion-equipment\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Cost increased from 175 to 500.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Moved from the Keep to the Blacksmith.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Increases health and damage of Jeanne d’Arc by +25% at tier 3 and 4.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Increases Jeanne d’Arc armor by +1.\"],\n ],\n },\n\n // Divine Arrow ability shows an improved error message when trying to target Gaia.\n {\n items: [\"abilities/ability-divine-arrow\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Divine Arrow ability shows an improved error message when trying to target Gaia.\"]],\n },\n // Holy Wrath no longer damages units in garrisons.\n {\n items: [\"abilities/ability-holy-wrath\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Holy Wrath no longer damages units in garrisons.\"]],\n },\n // Included the damage tiering information of Jeanne d’Arc’s Holy Wrath and Divine Arrow abilities in the tech tree.\n {\n items: [\"abilities/ability-holy-wrath\", \"abilities/ability-divine-arrow\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Included the damage tiering information of Jeanne d’Arc’s Holy Wrath and Divine Arrow abilities in the tech tree.\"]],\n },\n // Keeps are now selected with Select All Military Buildings to make Jeanne d’Arc’s Companions easier to train.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/keep\"],\n civs: [\"je\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Keeps are now selected with Select All Military Buildings to make Jeanne d’Arc’s Companions easier to train.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // Mongols\n // Improved Wheelbarrow: Maximum number of resources carried increased from +7 to +9.\n subtitle: \"Mongols\",\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"technologies/wheelbarrow-improved\"],\n civs: [\"mo\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Maximum number of resources carried increased from +7 to +9.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // Order of the Dragon\n // (Variant Civilization: Holy Roman Empire)\n subtitle: \"Order of the Dragon\",\n civs: [\"od\"],\n changes: [\n // Dragon Villager gather rate bonus increased from +25% to +28%.\n {\n items: [\"units/dragon-villager\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Gather rate bonus increased from +25% to +28%.\"]],\n },\n\n // Gilded Landsknecht\n // Health increased in the Castle Age from 170 to 180.\n // Health increased in the Imperial Age from 200 to 210.\n {\n items: [\"units/gilded-landsknecht\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Health increased in the Castle Age from 170 to 180.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Health increased in the Imperial Age from 200 to 210.\"],\n ],\n },\n // Bodkin Bolts damage bonus vs Siege increased from +10 to +20.\n {\n items: [\"technologies/bodkin-bolts\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"buff\", \"Damage bonus vs Siege increased from +10 to +20.\"]],\n },\n // The Elzbach Palace damage reduction buff is now behaving as intended.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/elzbach-palace\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"The Elzbach Palace damage reduction buff is now behaving as intended.\"]],\n },\n // Spearmen with the Dragon Fire upgrade no longer deal damage to nearby allied buildings when attacking.\n {\n items: [\"units/spearman\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Spearmen with the Dragon Fire upgrade no longer deal damage to nearby allied buildings when attacking.\"]],\n },\n\n // Corrected an issue where Elite Gilded Knights would lose War Horses enhancement when tiering up from Veteran Gilded Knights.\n {\n items: [\"units/gilded-knight\"],\n civs: [\"od\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Elite Gilded Knights would lose War Horses enhancement when tiering up from Veteran Gilded Knights.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // Ottomans\n subtitle: \"Ottomans\",\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n changes: [\n // Sultanhani Trade Network\n // Free Traders increased from 2 to 3.\n // Increased Trader garrison slots from 6 to 10.\n // Reduced income of each Trader from 28 to 24 Gold per minute.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/sultanhani-trade-network\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [\n [\"buff\", \"Free Traders increased from 2 to 3.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Increased Trader garrison slots from 6 to 10.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Reduced income of each Trader from 28 to 24 Gold per minute.\"],\n ],\n },\n\n // Fixed an issue where the Elite Sipahi Upgrade was taking longer than intended to research, reduced from 90 to 60 seconds to match other Elite upgrades.\n {\n items: [\"units/sipahi\"],\n civs: [\"ot\"],\n diff: [\n [\n \"fix\",\n \"Fixed an issue where the Elite Sipahi Upgrade was taking longer than intended to research, reduced from 90 to 60 seconds to match other Elite upgrades.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // Rus\n // Wandering Town Ram damage increase reduced from 50% to 25%.\n\n subtitle: \"Rus\",\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n changes: [\n {\n items: [\"technologies/wandering-town\"],\n civs: [\"ru\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Wandering Town Ram damage increase reduced from 50% to 25%.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n // Zhu Xi's Legacy\n // (Variant Civilization: Chinese)\n subtitle: \"Zhu Xi's Legacy\",\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n changes: [\n // Song Dynasty building wood discount reduced from 40% to 30%.\n // Song Dynasty bonus changed from affecting Non-military buildings to affecting Economic and Population buildings.\n // The discount now applies to the following buildings: Lumber Camp, Mill, Mining Camp, Granaries, Farms, Town Centers, Houses, Villages, and Markets.\n {\n items: [],\n title: \"Song Dynasty\",\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Building wood discount reduced from 40% to 30%.\"],\n [\"buff\", \"Bonus changed from affecting Non-military buildings to affecting Economic and Population buildings.\"],\n [\n \"buff\",\n \"The discount now applies to the following buildings: Lumber Camp, Mill, Mining Camp, Granaries, Farms, Town Centers, Houses, Villages, and Markets.\",\n ],\n ],\n },\n\n // Meditation Gardens range reduced from 9 to 8 tiles.\n // Meditation Gardens: Resource generation reduced as follows:\n // Berry food per minute reduced from 8 to 6.\n // Stone mine resources per minute reduced from 30 to 25.\n // Gold mine resources per minute reduced from 30 to 25.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/meditation-gardens\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [\n [\"nerf\", \"Range reduced from 9 to 8 tiles.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Berry food per minute reduced from 8 to 6.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Stone mine resources per minute reduced from 30 to 25.\"],\n [\"nerf\", \"Gold mine resources per minute reduced from 30 to 25.\"],\n ],\n },\n // Zhu Xi’s Library: Cloud of Terror area of effect reduced by 0.125 tiles and increased the damage fall-off.\n {\n items: [\"technologies/cloud-of-terror\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Cloud of Terror area of effect reduced by 0.125 tiles and increased the damage fall-off.\"]],\n },\n // Dock work rate bonus decreased from 20% to 10%.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/dock\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Dock work rate bonus decreased from 20% to 10%.\"]],\n },\n\n // Zhu Xi’s Library: It is no longer possible to queue more than two technologies at the Zhu Xi’s Library.\n {\n items: [\"buildings/zhu-xis-library\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"It is no longer possible to queue more than two technologies at the Zhu Xi’s Library.\"]],\n },\n\n // Tang Dynasty no longer reduces the Wonder cost.\n {\n title: \"Tang Dynasty\",\n items: [],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"nerf\", \"Tang Dynasty no longer reduces the Wonder cost.\"]],\n },\n\n // Corrected an issue where the Yuan Dynasty discount did not apply to the Yuan Raider.\n {\n items: [\"units/yuan-raider\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where the Yuan Dynasty discount did not apply to the Yuan Raider.\"]],\n },\n\n // Shaolin Monks are now able to pick up and deposit Relics reliably.\n {\n items: [\"units/shaolin-monk\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Shaolin Monks are now able to pick up and deposit Relics reliably.\"]],\n },\n // Corrected an issue where Imperial Officials could Supervise Markets.\n {\n items: [\"units/imperial-official\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Corrected an issue where Imperial Officials could Supervise Markets.\"]],\n },\n // 10000 Bolts: Updated help text to clarify that the additional bolt from Crossbowmen is 40% as effective as the main weapon.\n {\n items: [\"technologies/10000-bolts\"],\n civs: [\"zx\"],\n diff: [[\"fix\", \"Updated help text to clarify that the additional bolt from Crossbowmen is 40% as effective as the main weapon.\"]],\n },\n ],\n },\n {\n title: \"Ongoing…\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Known Issues\n Known Issue with Byzantine Rain of Fire Mastery: It is possible for buildings to be destroyed by normal fire (from taking damage) before either the trebuchet or Greek Fire damage can deliver the final blow. This can result in buildings not counting towards the mastery. Try using more trebuchets against single buildings to increase the odds of that building counting towards the mastery. Additionally, landmarks do not count as destroyed (as they can be rebuilt)\n ## Investigation\n ### Community-Reported Issues:\n Your reports continue being crucial to our prioritization and implementation of fixes and features in the game. Keep them coming!\n For other known issues, please visit this page to see what’s being tracked!`,\n },\n {\n title: \"What's on the Horizon\",\n civs: [],\n changes: [],\n md: `\n ## Coming Up…\n Following on from the Lunar Faire event that’s set to begin in a few short days, we’ll be celebrating International Women’s Day with our next seasonal event, set to kick off in early March! We’re also cooking up our next major update and look forward to sharing more soo\n `,\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { PatchNotes } from \"../../types/patches\";\n\nexport const season5: PatchNotes = {\n id: \"season-5\",\n buildId: 705861,\n officialUrl: \"https://www.ageofempires.com/news/age-of-empires-iv-season-five-update-7-0-5861/\",\n name: \"Season Five Update\",\n season: 5,\n type: \"update\",\n summary:\n \"Trade adjustments. Introduction of Empire Wards Mode. New unique units: Ghulam, Ghazi Raider, Keshik. Hunting Cabin rework. Nerfs to Malian Farimba Garrison + Warrior Scout, buffs to Abbasid. Lots of technology changes.\",\n introduction: `\"We’re turning up the heat in Season Five with Map Monsters: Summer Party Edition! Scout the land and scour the sea in search for the elusive Wild Man and mysterious Dragon Turtle in our Summer Party event! Start a match off strong in Empire Wars – a new, quick-to-action game mode where players start with a burgeoning empire of pre-built buildings and villagers already tasked to resources. But that’s not all: We’ve packed this update with loads of new content and features, ready for you to dive in starting June 15th!\"\n\n A few highlights include:\n\n* Three new maps: Golden Heights, Migration, and Volcanic Island!\n* The start of Ranked Season Five, bringing with it new rewards and an updated map pool rotation!\n* Team Voice Chat – strategize with your friends in-match with the new team voice chat! Or use the speech-to-text feature to more easily send communications to your team!\n* Visual upgrades, and performance-related improvements!\n* New trade updates based directly on community feedback!\n* New unique options for every civilization! From unique tech to unique units, we’re making design changes so that each civilization’s personality shines through!\n* Additional support for mods that make it easier for everyone in the lobby to start the match.\n* … and a whole lot of bug fixes & balance changes!\n`,\n html: (\n