{props.item.displayClasses.join(\", \")}
\n{props.unit.classes.join(\", \")}
\n \n )}\nLearn more about the Explorer.
\n*Total of {multiplier()} projectiles
}\n Base\n \n {props.multiplier && (\n \n {formattedMultiplier()}\n {values().base / multiplier()} =\n \n )}\n {values().base}\n \n{projectiles}×
\nEvery volley has {projectiles} projectiles
\nTarget armor has effect on each individual projectile
}\n {variation.unique && (\n \n )}\n\n {![\"upgrade\", \"base\"].includes(type) &&{variation.description}
\n \n{data()?.civ.info.description}
}\n {x.list && (\n{variation()?.description}
\n\n This unit is available for the below civilizations. Click on a civilization to see more detailed information, including specific bonuses and upgrades.\n
\n\n The {props.item.name} is unique, and not available for {props.civ.name}.\n
\n\n\n {props.civ.name} is part of the Sultans Ascend expansion\n
\n\n Get it on\n \n Steam\n \n \n Xbox\n \n \n MS Store\n \n
\n {!props.civ && civs?.length >= 1 ? civs.map((c) =>
\n\n {ability.description}\n\n {ability.activatedOn?.length && (\n <>\n {ability.active === \"toggle\"\n ? \" Toggle on \"\n : ability.auraRange === 0\n ? \" Activate on \"\n : ` When ${ability.auraRange >= 1 ? `in ${ability.auraRange} tiles range of` : `near`}`}\n {ability.activatedOn?.map((id, i, l) => (\n <>\n
Discover all units, buildings and technologies in the game.
\n\n\n AoE4 World Explorer provides you with a detailed breakdown on what specific upgrades, tecnologies and bonuses make units perform better.\n
\n Use the tool to explore different civilizations, buidlings and army units and get a better understanding of Age of Empires 4.\n
Increases max population by {amount}
\nCan garrison up to {g.capacity} units
\nDiscover all units, buildings and technologies in the game.
\n\n AoE4 World Explorer provides you with a detailed breakdown on what specific upgrades, tecnologies and bonuses make units perform better.\n
\n Use the tool to explore different civilizations, buidlings and army units and get a better understanding of Age of Empires 4.\n
\n When viewing the stats for one or multiple units, use the Age switcher in the top right to change the age. Any upgrades and technologies not\n available in the selected age will be excluded from the stats.\n
\nHover over specific parts of a bar to see how statistics like hitpoints, attack and armor are build up. Hover over the label to see the totals.
\nClick through the flags to see what bonuses and stats a unit gets for different civilizations.
\nNotice anything wrong? Do let us know!
\n\n AoE4 Explorer is created by{\" \"}\n \n Robert van Hoesel\n {\" \"}\n with help from{\" \"}\n \n René Klačan\n \n . The data is sourced from game files, communities and for the most part pulled from the{\" \"}\n \n AOE4 Quick Sheet\n {\" \"}\n created by{\" \"}\n \n MugenNoSora\n \n . Special thanks to{\" \"}\n \n rudyairlines\n {\" \"}\n and{\" \"}\n \n aoemods\n \n .\n
\n\nIf you would like to contribute that is certainly appreciated, here are ways you can help:
\n\n Interested in using the data of the explorer in your own project? All the data on units, buildings, technologies and civs is open source and available\n in JSON over at{\" \"}\n \n aoe4world/data\n \n . Use it to speed up the development of your awesome tools and do let us know if you build something.\n
\n\n Showing notes for the
}\n {props.section.md &&\"{props.note}\"
\n\n {line.slice(6)}\n
\n );\n if (l.startsWith(\"* \") || l.startsWith(\"- \"))\n return (\n\n {l.slice(2)}\n
\n );\n\n return{l}
;\n })}\nTry searching for something else.
\nUse this url to create a search shortcut to the explorer in Chrome or Firefox.
\n (t.target as HTMLInputElement).select()}\n />\n \n\n An overview of all balance patches released since Season One. Hotfixes without balance changes are excluded. Click on a Patch to learn more.\n
\n {patch.notes.date.toLocaleDateString(\"en\", { day: \"numeric\", month: \"short\", year: \"numeric\" })}\n
\n \n{patch.notes.name}
\n \n S{patch.notes.season} {patch.notes.type}\n \n \n\n{patch.notes.summary}
\n Something went terribly wrong. It's likely a bug (just like in the game) and possibly something else. If it persists, we'd really like to know\n so we can fix it. You can report it and include the below error.\n
\n{err.toString()}\n \n \n